A blog exploring advanced programming topics in Swift.

Sharing state in the Composable Architecture

Monday Feb 26, 2024

⚠️ Warning

There are some episode spoilers contained in this announcement!

Today we are excited to announce a new beta for the Composable Architecture. Past betas have included the concurrency beta, the Reducer protocol beta, and most recently the observation beta. And we think this one may be more exciting than all of those!

This beta focuses on providing the tools necessary for sharing state throughout your app. We also went above and beyond by providing tools for persisting state to user defaults and the file system, as well as providing a way create your own persistence strategies.

Join us for a quick overview of the tools, and be sure to check out the beta today!

The @Shared property wrapper

The primary tool provided in this beta is the @Shared property wrapper. It represents a piece of state that will be shared with another part of the application, or potentially with the entire application. It can be used with any data type, and it cannot be set to a default value.

For example, suppose you have a feature that holds a count and you want to be able to hand a shared reference to that count to other features. You can do so by holding onto a @Shared property in the feature’s state:

struct ParentFeature {
  struct State {
    @Shared var count: Int
    // Other properties
  // ...


It is not possible to provide a default to a @Shared value. It must be passed to this feature’s state from a parent feature.

Then suppose that this feature can present a child feature that wants access to this shared count value. The child feature would also would hold onto an @Shared property to a count:

struct ChildFeature {
  struct State {
    @Shared var count: Int
    // Other properties
  // ...

When the parent features creates the child feature’s state, it can pass a reference to the shared count rather than the actual count value by using the $count projected value:

case .presentButtonTapped:
  state.child = ChildFeature.State(count: state.$count)
  // ...

Now any mutation the ChildFeature makes to its count will be instantly made to the ParentFeature’s count too, and vice-versa.

The Shared type works by holding onto a reference type so that multiple parts of the application can see the same state and can each make mutations with it. Historically, reference types in state were problematic for two main reasons:

  • Reference types do not play nicely with SwiftUI view invalidation. It was possible for the data inside a reference to change without notifying the view that it changed, cause the view to show out-of-date information.
  • Reference types do not play nicely with testing. Classes do not easily conform to Equatable, and even when they do you cannot compare them before and after a mutation is made in order to exhaustively prove how it changes.

However, there are now solutions to both of these problems:

  • Thanks to Swift’s new observation tools (and our backport of those tools), reference types can now properly communicate to views when they change so that the view can invalidate and re-render.
  • And thanks to the @Shared property wrapper, we are able to make shared test 100% testable, even exhaustively! When using the TestStore to test your features you will be forced to assert on how all state changes in your feature, even state held in @Shared.


The @Shared property wrapper can also be used in conjunction with a persistence strategy that makes the state available globally throughout the entire application, and persists the data to some external system so that it can be made available across application launches.

For example, to save the count described above in user defaults so that any changes are automatically persisted and made available next time the app launches, simply use the .appStorage persistence strategy with @Shared:

 struct ParentFeature {
   struct State {
-    @Shared var count: Int
+    @Shared(.appStorage("count")) var count = 0
     // Other properties
   // ...


You must provide a default value when using a persistence stategy. It is only used upon first access of the state and when there is no previously saved state (for example, the first launch of the app).

That’s all it takes. Now any part of the application can instantly access this state by using the same @Shared configuration, and it does not even need to be explicitly passed in from the parent feature. Any changes made to this state will be immediately persisted to user defaults, and further if something writes to the “count” key in user defaults directly without going through @Shared, the state in your feature will be immediately updated too.

The .appStorage persistence strategy is limited by the kinds of data you can store in it since user defaults has those limitations. It’s mostly appropriate for very simple data, such as strings, integers, booleans, etc.

There is also a .fileStorage strategy you can use to persist data. It requires that your state is Codable, and it’s more appropriate for complex data types rather than simpler values. We use this kind of persistence in our SyncUps demo application for persisting the list of sync up meetings to disk:

struct State: Equatable {
  @Presents var destination: Destination.State?
  @Shared(.fileStorage(.syncUps)) var syncUps: IdentifiedArrayOf<SyncUp> = []

This persistence strategy behaves like .appStorage in many ways. Using it makes the state globally available to all parts of the application, and any change to the state will be persisted to disk. Further, if the data on disk is changed outside of @Shared, that change will be immediately played back to any feature holding onto @Shared.

There is a third form of persistence that comes with the library called .inMemory. It has no restrictions on the kind of value you can hold in it, but that’s only because it doesn’t actually persist the data anywhere. It just makes the data globally available in your application, and it will be cleared out between app launches. It is similar to the “in-memory” persistence storage from SwiftData.

It is even possible for you to create your own persistence strategies! You can simply conform a new type to the PersistentKey protocol, implement a few requirements, and then it will be available to use with @Shared.


Shared state behaves quite a bit different from the regular state held in Composable Architecture features. It is capable of being changed by any part of the application, not just when an action is sent to the store, and it has reference semantics rather than value semantics. Typically references cause series problems with testing, especially exhaustive testing that the library prefers (see Testing), because references cannot be copied and so one cannot inspect the changes before and after an action is sent.

For this reason, the @Shared property wrapper does extra working during testing to preserve a previous snapshot of the state so that one can still exhaustive assert on shared state, even though it is a reference.

For the most part, shared state can be tested just like any regular state held in your features. For example, consider the following simple counter feature that uses in-memory shared state for the count:

struct Feature {
  struct State: Equatable {
    @Shared var count: Int
  enum Action {
    case incrementButtonTapped
  var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    Reduce { state, action in
      switch action {
      case .incrementButtonTapped:
        state.count += 1
        return .none

This feature can be tested in exactly the same way as when you are using non-shared state:

func testIncrement() async {
  let store = TestStore(initialState: Feature.State(count: Shared(0))) {

  await store.send(.incrementButtonTapped) {
    $0.count = 1

This test passes because we have described how the state changes. But even better, if we mutate the count incorrectly:

func testIncrement() async {
  let store = TestStore(initialState: Feature.State(count: Shared(0))) {

  await store.send(.incrementButtonTapped) {
    $0.count = 2

…we immediately get a test failure letting us know exactly what went wrong:

❌ State was not expected to change, but a change occurred: …

    − Feature.State(_count: 2)
    + Feature.State(_count: 1)

(Expected: −, Actual: +)

This works even though the @Shared count is a reference type. The TestStore and Shared type work in unison to snapshot the state before and after the action is sent, allowing us to still assert in an exhaustive manner.

However, exhaustively testing shared state is more complicated than testing non-shared state in features. Shared state can be captured in effects and mutated directly, without ever sending an action into system. This is in stark contrast to regular state, which can only ever be mutated when sending an action.

For example, it is possible to alter the incrementButtonTapped action so that it captures the shared state in an effect, and then increments from the effect:

case .incrementButtonTapped:
  return .run { [count = state.$count] _ in
    count.wrappedValue += 1

The only reason this is possible is because @Shared state is reference-like, and hence can technically be mutated from anywhere.

However, how does this affect testing? Since the count is no longer incremented directly in the reducer we can drop the trailing closure from the test store assertion:

func testIncrement() async {
  let store = TestStore(initialState: SimpleFeature.State(count: Shared(0))) {
  await store.send(.incrementButtonTapped)

This is technically correct, but we aren’t testing the behavior of the effect at all.

Luckily the TestStore has our back. If you run this test you will immediately get a failure letting you know that the shared count was mutated but we did not assert on the changes:

❌ Tracked changes to 'Shared<Int>@MyAppTests/FeatureTests.swift:10' but failed to assert: …

  − 0
  + 1

(Before: −, After: +)

Call 'Shared<Int>.assert' to exhaustively test these changes, or call 'skipChanges' to ignore them.

In order to get this test passing we have to explicitly assert on the shared counter state at the end of the test, which we can do using the Shared/assert(_:file:line:) method:

func testIncrement() async {
  let store = TestStore(initialState: SimpleFeature.State(count: Shared(0))) {
  await store.send(.incrementButtonTapped)
  store.state.$count.assert {
    $0 = 1

Now the test passes.

So, even though the @Shared type opens our application up to a little bit more uncertainty due to its reference semantics, it is still possible to get exhaustive test coverage on its changes.

Get started today!

We are very excited about these new shared state tools in the Composable Architecture, and we would love to get your feedback on it. Please consider pointing your project to the shared-state-beta branch and letting us know if anything goes wrong. Also be sure to read the Sharing State article and 1.9 migration guide for more information on the tools.

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Watch episodes in your favorite podcast app!

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Case Study: Algebraic Data Types

Let’s look at a real world use for algebraic data types. We will refactor a data type that is used in the code on this very site so that the invalid states are unrepresentable by the compiler.

Monday Apr 23, 2018

Announcing Point-Free Pointers!

Today we are excited to announcement launch of Point-Free Pointers, a blog to supplement our video series for all the content we couldn’t fit in. Expect to find regularly postings here that dive even deeper into functional programming, showing real world use cases and more!