A few weeks ago we previewed what peak UIKit looks like, and we even released two free episodes to show off these tools. These announcements generated a surprising amount of interested from the community, and now we are ready to share a beta of these tools so that everyone can give them a spin and share their feedback.

Go to the beta on GitHub

What is UIKitNavigation?

UIKitNavigation is a new library that provides powerful state management and navigation tools for UIKit that are heavily inspired by the tools we have in SwiftUI. The library currently lives in our SwiftUINavigation package, but soon that package will be generalized and renamed to simply SwiftNavigation, and it will house a variety of tools for all of Apple’s platforms (SwiftUI, UIKit, AppKit, etc.), as well as tools that can be used cross-platform.

How do you use it?

The tools from the library broadly fall into 3 main categories:

  • State observation

    SwiftUI makes use of the @Observable macro to allow one to encapsulate the logic and behavior of a feature in a reference type, and the view will minimally observe changes to the model depending on what fields it accesses. It was clear from the beginning that Swift’s observation tools were designed with primarily SwiftUI in mind, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make use of those tools in UIKit.

    The library provides a powerful state observation tool, aptly named observe. It allows you to use the @Observable macro to power UIKit features. For example, if you designed an observable model like so:

    class FeatureModel {
      var count = 0
      var isLoadingFact = false
      var fact: String?

    …then in a view controller you can observe changes to the model and update the UI like so:

    func viewDidLoad() {
      let countLabel = …
      let activityIndicator = …
      let factLabel = …
      observe { [weak self] in
        guard let self else { return }
        countLabel.text = "\(model.count)"
        activityIndicator.isHidden = !model.isLoadingFact
        factLabel.isHidden = model.fact == nil
        factLabel.text = model.fact

    We are omitting the creation and layout of the UI components because it is up to you how you want to do that. You can either do it in code, or with a storyboard, or by using a 3rd party library. But our library does not aim to try to solve this problem, and instead lets UIKit be UIKit.

    The observe closure automatically observes changes to any field accessed, and when one of those fields is mutated the trailing closure will be invoked again, thus updating the UI with the freshest data.

    And more importantly, if any field changes in the model that is not accessed, then the trailing closure of observe will not be invoked. This means only the bare essentials of state will be observed, and you don’t have to think about it at all.

  • 2-way bindings

    Bindings in SwiftUI are a powerful tool for allowing two independent features to share a bit of state. They are so powerful that it is easy to take for granted these days, and to forget how difficult UI controls used to be in UIKit.

    In UIKit, controls by default hold onto their own “source of truth” for their value. For example, when you create a text field like so:

    let nameTextField = UITextField()

    …the value of nameTextField.text is the “true” value of the text field. It has no connection to anything outside the control. In order to “connect” the text field to something else, such as a feature’s model, you need to use a UIAction to be notified of changes in the text field so that you can play them back to the model, and you should listen for changes in the model so that you can play them back to the text field.

    It’s honestly quite a mess to get right, and it has historically been the source of a great number of bugs and spaghetti code in UIKit apps. And so SwiftUI greatly improved upon this, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t possible to achieve in UIKit.

    To begin, you annotate your model with the @UIBindable property wrapper, which is like @Bindable from SwiftUI but made to work with UIKit:

    @UIBindable var model: FeatureModel

    And then you can derive binding to the model using the familiar $ syntax:

    let nameTextField = UITextField(text: $model.name)

    That single line is packing a punch. Any changes made to the text field are played back to model.name, and any changes to the model will be automatically played back to the text field. That makes the model the “source of truth”, and you never have to worry about the UI getting out of sync with the model.

  • Navigation

    State-driven navigation is probably one of the most powerful concepts that SwiftUI introduced to developers on Apple’s platforms. It allows you to write complex code in a concise and correct manner, it instantly unlocks deep-linking capabilities, and makes it possible to unit test the integration of many features.

    However, and this is the 3rd time we are going to say this, there’s no reason for this power to be relegated to SwiftUI alone. State-driven navigation can absolutely work in UIKit, and it’s quite amazing.

    The UIKitNavigation library provides tools that mimic UIKit’s present and pushViewController methods, but they are powered by bindings instead of being “fire-and-forget”. For example, if your feature can navigate to a “detail” feature, then you could design that in your model layer as an optional:

    class FeatureModel {
      var detail: DetailModel?

    And then in the view you can use navigationDestination(item:) in order to drive the navigation from the optionality of detail:

    navigationDestination(item: $model.detail) { detail in
      DetailViewController(model: detail) 

    When detail becomes non-nil the trailing closure will be invoked causing the DetailViewController to be created, and the drill-down will occur. Also, when detail becomes nil the detail controller will automatically be popped off the stack.

    Further, if the user manually dismisses the detail, e.g. by tapping the “Back” button or swiping from the left edge of the screen, then nil will automatically be written to the $model.detail binding. That guarantees that the model and UI always state in sync.

    And if all of that wasn’t amazing enough, we also have support for a state-driven UINavigationController, and it’s called NavigationStackController. It allows you to control which features are pushed onto the stack and popped off of the stack from a flat array of data. We even have support for UINavigationPath, a type-erased list of data, for powering navigation, which gives you maximum flexibility and decoupling in your apps.

So, all of that seems pretty great, but things get even better. The @Observable macro is unfortunately iOS 17+, and all of the tools mentioned above heavily rely on the observation machinery in Swift. However, we previously have back-ported Observation in our swift-perception library, and that means all of these tools are available as far back as iOS 13! And so you can start using them today.

A cross-platform dream

And let’s not miss the forest from the trees.

While the library we have developed primarily deals with UIKit, there is something a lot more interesting happening behind the scenes. The foundational tools built by the library, such as observe, @UIBinding and @UIBindable, are all built in 100% pure Swift. That means these tools compile for Linux, Windows, Wasm, and more, and so theoretically they could be used to build state management and navigation tools for non-Apple platforms.

It is possible for you to implement the logic and behavior of your features using pure Swift code and Swift’s Observation framework without a care in the world for how the feature will actually be displayed. This has the added benefit of allowing you to fully concentrate on your business domain without being sidetracked by view-level concerns.

And then when you are ready to build the view you can do so with the powerful tools of our library regardless of view paradigm (SwiftUI vs UIKit) or platform (Apple vs Windows vs Linux vs …). Things can make your features more isolatable and easier to understand, and brings you one step closer to a cross-platform application.

How did you accomplish this?

This is the topic of our newest series of episodes, Modern UIKit. The tools are largely powered by Swift’s amazing Observation framework, but there is a lot of additional work that must be done to make it all work correctly. Follow along in the series to learn about advanced Swift topics (existentials, sendability, …), receive a masterclass in API design and ergonomics, watch us build SwiftUI’s @Binding from scratch, and a lot more.

Try out the beta today and give feedback!

And unbelievably, we have barely scratched the surface of what the library provides and what is in store for the future. Be sure to check out the beta today, and please give feedback by opening a GitHub discussion.

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