Observable Architecture Beta!

Monday November 27, 2023

The beta period is now over, and these tools have been officially released. See the announcement for more details.

Two very exciting things happened today: the Composable Architecture has crossed 10,000 stars on GitHub(!), and we are announcing a beta preview for the biggest change we have made to the library in its history. We are integrating Swift’s Observation framework into the library, and we are doing so in a way that is 100% backwards compatible with the current version of the library, and back deployed to previous versions of iOS, going all the way back to iOS 13.

That’s right!

Even though @Observable is restricted to iOS 17+, we have been able to back-port those tools specifically for the Composable Architecture. So no matter what version of iOS your app is currently targeting, you will be able to take advantage of observation and all of the new tools we have added to the library.

This week we are kicking off a new series of episodes to integrate these tools into the library from scratch, but join us for a quick overview of what these tools look like, and be sure to give the beta a spin and let us know if you run into any issues!


The Composable Architecture provides a new macro called @ObservableState which unlocks the new observation super powers. As a very simple example, consider a counter reducer that has the @ObservableState macro applied:

struct CounterFeature {
  struct State {
    var count = 0
  enum Action {
    case decrementButtonTapped
    case incrementButtonTapped
  var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    Reduce { state, action in
      switch action {
      case .decrementButtonTapped:
        state.count -= 1
        return .none
      case .incrementButtonTapped:
        state.count += 1
        return .none

This doesn’t look much different from how this feature would be built with the Composable Architecture pre-Observation. The only difference is that we have applied @ObservableState to the State struct.

But that small change has huge ramifications to how we build features with the library. For example, a view to display this feature is now allowed to access state directly in the view like so:

struct CounterView: View {
  let store: StoreOf<CounterFeature>

  var body: some View {
    Form {
      Button("Decrement") { store.send(.decrementButtonTapped) }
      Button("Increment") { store.send(.incrementButtonTapped) }

There is no need to wrap everything in a WithViewStore or to explicitly describe what state is being observed as was the case before. The view sees that the count field is accessed and automatically subscribes to its changes so that it can re-render.

Even better, this automatic observation is dynamic. If something happens in the view later so that count is no longer displayed, then the view will no longer re-render when that state changes. To see this concretely, let’s add some state to the feature that determines if the count is being displayed:

struct State {
  var isDisplayingCount = true

…and an action to toggle this boolean:

enum Action {
  case toggleCountDisplay

…and handle the action in the reducer:

case .toggleCountDisplay:
  return .none

Then in the view we can conditionally display the count and add a button that toggles the display:

var body: some View {
  Form {
    if store.isDisplayingCount {
    Button("Decrement") { store.send(.decrementButtonTapped) }
    Button("Increment") { store.send(.incrementButtonTapped) }
    Button("Toggle count display") {

With this the body of the CounterView will not re-compute its body if the count changes and if the count isn’t being displayed. The view is capable of seeing that it doesn’t need the count to render, and therefore does not need to re-render when it changes.

This small, but foundational change, to the library unlocks all new patterns that were previously impossible to imagine. There are large swaths of custom tools and APIs that are no longer needed, and instead simpler, more vanilla Swift and SwiftUI tools can be used.

But before discussing that, a word on a very important topic…

Back-port to pre-iOS 17

Perhaps the most surprising and exciting part of this beta is that we have completely backported the observation tools to platforms prior to iOS 17, macOS 14, tvOS 17 and watchOS 10, which is what @Observation is restricted to. This means you can start using these smarter, more dynamic observation tools while still supporting older OSes.

However, you do have to make a slight change to your code to make this possible. If your application is running on iOS 16 or earlier, then you can’t simply access state directly in the store as we are doing above because the view has no way to track changes to state accessed in the body.

In fact, if you try to implement your view as above on iOS 16 and earlier, the library will emit a runtime warning letting you know that this will not work:

Perceptible state was accessed but is not being tracked. Track changes to state by wrapping your view in a ‘WithPerceptionTracking’ view.

This warning is giving you a peek under the hood to see how this back-porting works.

There is one small change you have to make to the view, and that is wrap it in WithPerceptionTracking:

 var body: some View {
+  WithPerceptionTracking {
     Form {
       if store.isDisplayingCount {
       Button("Decrement") { store.send(.decrementButtonTapped) }
       Button("Increment") { store.send(.incrementButtonTapped) }
       Button("Toggle count display") {
+  }

However, this wrapper is not like the WithViewStore that was required in the pre-Observation version of the Composable Architecture. First of all, WithPerceptionTracking is only required when targeting iOS 16 or earlier. It is deprecated when targeting iOS 17 and later, and in that situation can be deleted.

Second of all, WithPerceptionTracking does not take an observe argument for explicit observation and its trailing closure does not take a ViewStore. You can access the store’s state directly inside the trailing closure, and all state changes will be automatically observed.

So, while it’s a bummer that you still need to wrap your views in a helper for pre-iOS 17, it’s not all so bad. It allows you to use the new observation tools today, it’s just a small bit of additional code in your view, and the library will helpfully tell you when you have forgotten it.

Composable Architecture, simplified

The best part of integration Swift’s observation tools into the Composable Architecture is that it allows us to re-think every assumption we made when first building the library. There are many APIs that we now get to say goodbye to in favor of simpler constructs:

👋 IfLetStore

IfLetStore is a helper view for transforming stores of optional state into stores of honest state. It’s great for when you model your features so that a child feature can be shown and dismissed via some optional state.

Its typical use looks something like this:

  store.scope(state: \.child, action: \.child)
) { childStore in
  ChildView(store: childStore)
} else: {
  Text("Nothing to show")

You hand the view a store that is scoped down to an optional child domain, as well as a trailing closure for when that state is non-nil, and optionally a trailing closure for when the state is nil.

This code can now be simplified to the following when using @ObservableState:

if let childStore = store.scope(
  state: \.child, action: \.child
) {
  ChildView(store: childStore)
} else {
  Text("Nothing to show")

There’s no need to learn a whole new type to accomplish something so simple. You can just use regular if let Swift syntax.

👋 ForEachStore

ForEachStore is another helper view, but this one helps transform a store of a collection into stores for each element in the collection. It’s great for when you need to a list of complex features.

Its typical use looks something like this:

  store.scope(state: \.rows, action: \.rows)
) { rowStore in
  RowView(store: rowStore)

You hand ForEachStore a store scoped down to the domain of a collection of features, and it provides a store that is focused on just one element of that feature.

This code can now be simplified to the following when using @ObservableState:

  store.scope(state: \.rows, action: \.rows)
) { rowStore in
  RowView(store: rowStore)

There’s no need to learn a whole new type to accomplish something so simple. You can just use a vanilla SwiftUI ForEach, and it all just works.

👋 SwitchStore and CaseLet

There’s even more view helpers that completely go away with the new observation tools. The SwitchStore and CaseLet views help transform a store of an enum of features into a store focused in on just one particular case of the enum.

It’s typical use looks something like this:

SwitchStore(store) {
    action: Feature.Action.loggedIn
  ) { loggedInStore in
    LoggedInView(store: loggedInStore)
    action: Feature.Action.loggedOut
  ) { loggedOutStore in
    LoggedOutView(store: loggedOutStore)

While it’s a powerful tool, there’s a lot not to like about this. First, it’s quite verbose. And we lose compile-time verification that we handled all cases of the enum, and instead have to resort to runtime checks. And we cannot leverage type inference to shorten some of the types used.

This code can now be simplified to the following when using @ObservableState:

switch store.state {
case .loggedIn:
  if let loggedInStore = store.scope(
    state: \.loggedIn, action: \.loggedIn
  ) {
    LoggedInView(store: loggedInStore)

case .loggedOut:
  if let loggedOutStore = store.scope(
    state: \.loggedOut, action: \.loggedOut
  ) {
    LoggedOutView(store: loggedOutStore)

This recovers compile-time exhaustivity and type inference, and there’s no need to learn two new types to accomplish something so simple. You can just use a vanilla Swift switch and case, and everything just works.

👋 NavigationStackStore

The most recent view helper we added to the library is the NavigationStackStore, and even it is now obsolete in the world of observation tools. It’s a dedicated view that helps derive stores to each element of a collection of features to be used in stack navigation.

It’s typical use looks something like this:

  store.scope(state: \.path, action: \.path)
) {
} destination: {
  switch $0 {
  case .activity:
      action: Feature.Action.activity
    ) { store in
      ActivityView(store: store)
  case .settings:
      action: Feature.Action.settings
    ) { store in
      SettingsView(store: store)

Again we lose exhaustivity in the destinations that can be navigated too, and this code is quite verbose.

This code can now be simplified to the following when using @ObservableState:

  path: $store.scope(state: \.path, action: \.path)
) {
} destination: {
  switch $0.state {
  case .activity:
    if let store = store.scope(
      state: \.activity, action: \.activity
    ) {
      ActivityView(store: store)
  case .settings:
    if let store = store.scope(
      state: \.settings, action: \.settings
    ) {
      SettingsView(store: store)

We regain compile-time exhaustivity, and we do not have to learn a whole new type to accomplish something so simple. You can just use a vanilla SwiftUI NavigationStack and everything just works.

👋 Navigation APIs

There’s even more APIs that can be removed from the library thanks to the new observation tools. We currently maintain a whole zoo of navigation view modifiers that mimic vanilla SwiftUI ones, but are tuned specifically for driving navigation from Stores.

For example, if you model the edit flow with some optional state, then you can present and dismiss a sheet from that data like so:

  store: store.scope(
    state: \.$editItem, action: \.editItem
) { store in
  EditItemForm(store: store)

This can now be simplified to the following:

  item: $store.scope(state: \.editItem, action: \.editItem)
) { store in
  EditItemForm(store: store)

In particular, we are now using the vanilla SwiftUI modifier sheet(item:), and the binding that is handed to that modifier is derived from the binding $store. It may not seem like a huge change, but there are now hundreds of lines of code that the library no longer has to maintain to mimic and wrap the SwiftUI APIs.

This also works when navigation is driven from an enum of destinations by simply chaining into a case:

  item: store.scope(
    state: \.destination?.editItem,
    action: \.destination.editItem
) { store in
  EditItemForm(store: store)

Try it out today!

And unbelievably, all the improvements listed above still do not tell the whole store of how Swift 5.9’s Observation framework has revolutionized the Composable Architecture. Be sure to follow along in our new series of episodes to see how we accomplished all of this (and more), and give the beta a spin and let us know if you run into any issues!

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