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Episode 291 • Aug 19, 2024

We are going to take a Swift feature into the browser. We will set up a WebAssembly application from scratch, show how to run and debug it, and even set up some basic UI. And then we will integrate our existing model into it, all powered by the magic of Swift’s Observation framework.

Free 32 min
Episode 290 • Aug 12, 2024

It’s time to go cross-platform! We will take a feature written in Swift and use it in vastly different situations, including not only SwiftUI and UIKit, but beyond Apple’s frameworks and ecosystems. We will start with a baby step and introduce our feature to a third party view paradigm, Airbnb’s Epoxy.

Free 33 min
Episode 282 • Jun 3, 2024

We finish building a modern UIKit application with brand new state-driven tools, including a complex collection view that can navigate to two child features. And we will see that, thanks to our back-port of Swift’s observation tools, we will be able to deploy our app all the way back to iOS 13.

Free 31 min

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Episode 299 • Oct 21, 2024

We’ve studied Equatable and Hashable, their laws, and saw how value types as simple bags of data easily conform via “structural” equality. What about reference types? Reference types are an amalgamation of data and behavior, and that data can be mutated in place at any time, so how can they reasonably conform to these protocols?

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 298 • Oct 14, 2024

While the documentation for Equatable discusses the notions of “equivalence relation” and “substitutability”, there are conformances in the Standard Library that run afoul, but for pragmatic reasons. Let’s explore them and then dive deeper into a related protocol: Hashable.

Subscriber-only 39 min
Episode 297 • Oct 7, 2024

In this series we go back to basics with a deep dive into the subject of Equatable types. Equatability is a deceptively simple topic. It is a surprisingly tricky protocol that has some very specific semantics that must be upheld baked into it, and there are many misconceptions on how one can or should conform types to this protocol.

Subscriber-only 29 min
Episode 296 • Sep 23, 2024

We round out our series with one more feature: the ability for our users to manage a list of their favorite facts. It will allow us to explore a complex side effect, persistence, and show how the same Swift code can save and load data across iOS app launches and web page refreshes.

Subscriber-only 53 min
Episode 295 • Sep 16, 2024

We’ve already covered a lot of ground and could have ended the series last week, but let’s do a few more things to show just how powerful cross-platform domain modeling can be by adding a new feature to our cross-platform application and see just how easy it is to integrate with SwiftUI, UIKit, and WebAssembly.

Subscriber-only 27 min
Episode 294 • Sep 9, 2024

We will introduce UI controls and focus logic to our SwiftWasm application by leveraging a binding type inspired by SwiftUI, and we will see how similar even our view logic can look across many platforms.

Subscriber-only 36 min
Episode 293 • Sep 2, 2024

We will introduce navigation APIs to our Wasm application, starting simply with an alert before ramping things up with a dialog tag that can be fully configurable from a value type that represents its state and actions.

Subscriber-only 40 min
Episode 292 • Aug 26, 2024

Let’s dial up the complexity of our Wasm application! We’ll introduce some async logic in the form of a network request. We’ll take steps to not only control this dependency, but we’ll do so across both Apple and Wasm platforms, and we’ll isolate its interface from its live implementation to speed up our builds and reduce our app’s size.

Subscriber-only 42 min
Episode 291 • Aug 19, 2024

We are going to take a Swift feature into the browser. We will set up a WebAssembly application from scratch, show how to run and debug it, and even set up some basic UI. And then we will integrate our existing model into it, all powered by the magic of Swift’s Observation framework.

Free 32 min
Episode 290 • Aug 12, 2024

It’s time to go cross-platform! We will take a feature written in Swift and use it in vastly different situations, including not only SwiftUI and UIKit, but beyond Apple’s frameworks and ecosystems. We will start with a baby step and introduce our feature to a third party view paradigm, Airbnb’s Epoxy.

Free 33 min
Episode 289 • Jul 29, 2024

While we rebuilt SwiftUI bindings in UIKit to power state-driven navigation, that’s not all SwiftUI uses them for! Let’s see what it takes to power UIControls from model bindings. And finally, let’s ask “what’s the point?” by comparing the tools we’ve built over many episodes with the alternative.

Subscriber-only 55 min
Episode 288 • Jul 22, 2024

We round out our stack navigation tools with support for an @Environment-like feature for holding onto the stack’s path, a NavigationLink-like feature for pushing features onto the stack from anywhere, and we’ll handle every corner case from deep-linking to user dismissal.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 287 • Jul 15, 2024

We have now implemented tree-based navigation in UIKit, driven by the Observation framework, but there is another form of navigation to think about: stack-based navigation, where you drive your navigation from a flat collection of states rather than a heavily-nested type. Let’s leverage Observation to build a really nice tool for stack-based navigation.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 286 • Jul 8, 2024

While SwiftUI bindings were almost the perfect tool for UIKit navigation, they unfortunately hide some crucial information that we need to build out our tools. But never fear, we can rebuild them from scratch! Let’s build @Binding and @Bindable from scratch to see how they work, and we will use them to drive concise, tree-based navigation using enums.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 285 • Jul 1, 2024

We have built the foundation of powerful new UIKit navigation tools, but they’re not quite finished. Let’s improve these APIs to handle dismissal by leveraging another SwiftUI tool: bindings. We will see how SwiftUI bindings are (almost) the perfect tool for UIKit navigation, and we will see where they fall short.

Subscriber-only 35 min
Episode 284 • Jun 24, 2024

Now that we have a tool that brings the power of the Observation framework to UIKit, let’s put it through the paces. We will use it to build state-driven navigation tools that can drive alerts, sheets, popovers, drill-downs, and more, and they will look a lot like SwiftUI’s navigation tools.

Subscriber-only 37 min
Episode 283 • Jun 17, 2024

It’s time to build modern tools for UIKit from scratch, heavily inspired by SwiftUI and using the Observation framework. Surprisingly, Swift 5.9’s observation tools can be used in UIKit, and in fact they work great, despite being specifically tuned for SwiftUI.

Subscriber-only 41 min
Episode 282 • Jun 3, 2024

We finish building a modern UIKit application with brand new state-driven tools, including a complex collection view that can navigate to two child features. And we will see that, thanks to our back-port of Swift’s observation tools, we will be able to deploy our app all the way back to iOS 13.

Free 31 min
Episode 281 • May 27, 2024

As we approach WWDC24 and 5 years of SwiftUI, let’s talk about… UIKit! 😜 We love SwiftUI, but there will still be times you must drop down to UIKit, and so we want to show what modern UIKit development can look like if you put in a little bit of effort to build tools that allow you to model your domains as concisely as possible.

Free 39 min
Episode 280 • May 20, 2024

We conclude the series by stretching our use of the @Shared property wrapper in isowords to two more features: saved games and user defaults. In the process we’ll eliminate hundreds of lines of boilerplate and some truly gnarly code.

Free 33 min
Episode 279 • May 13, 2024

Let’s apply the Composable Architecture’s new state sharing tools to something even more real world: our open source word game, isowords. It currently models its user settings as a cumbersome dependency that requires a lot of code to keep features in sync when settings change. We should be able to greatly simplify things with the @Shared property wrapper.

Free 25 min
Episode 278 • May 6, 2024

We finish refactoring the SyncUps application to use the Composable Architecture’s all new state sharing tools. We will see that we can delete hundreds of lines of boilerplate of coordination between parent and child features, and we won’t have to sacrifice any testability, including the exhaustive testability provided by the library.

Free 35 min
Episode 277 • Apr 29, 2024

In our last series we developed a wonderful way to share state between features in the Composable Architecture, and even persist it, all without sacrificing testability, but we also didn’t get to show the (just now released) tools being used in real world applications, so let’s do just that, starting with SyncUps.

Free 44 min
Episode 276 • Apr 22, 2024

It’s incredible how easy @Shared makes it to persist complex data types to the file system, but currently it completely ruins our ability to test features that use it. Let’s fix that, and we will also explore what it means to derive a small piece of shared state from a bigger piece of shared state.

Subscriber-only 34 min
Episode 275 • Apr 15, 2024

While user defaults is convenient for persisting simple bits of state, more complex data types should be saved to the file system. This can be tricky to get right, and so we take the time to properly handle all of the edge cases.

Subscriber-only 30 min
Episode 274 • Apr 8, 2024

We can now persist simple bits of state to user defaults using the @Shared property wrapper, but there is more work to be done. We need to observe changes to user defaults in order to play those changes back to @Shared, and we need to put in a bit of extra work to make everything testable.

Subscriber-only 26 min
Episode 273 • Apr 1, 2024

Let’s enhance the @Shared property wrapper with the concept of persistence. We will begin with user defaults, which is the simplest form of persistence on Apple’s platforms, and that will set the stage for more complex forms of persistence in the future.

Subscriber-only 41 min
Episode 272 • Mar 25, 2024

We will employ @Shared’s new testing capabilities in a complex scenario: a sign up flow. We will see how a deeply nested integration of features all sharing the same state can be tested simply, and we will see how we can leverage the same tricks employed by the test store to add debug tools to reducers using shared state.

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 271 • Mar 18, 2024

The @Shared property wrapper can effortlessly share state among features to build complex flows quickly, but because it is powered by a reference type, it is not compatible with the Composable Architecture’s value-oriented testing tools. Let’s address these shortcomings and recover all of the library’s testing niceties.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 270 • Mar 11, 2024

We finish building a complex, flow-based case study that leverages the new @Shared property wrapper. Along the way we will flex recently added superpowers of the library, and we will experience firsthand how simple this new model of shared state can be.

Subscriber-only 41 min
Episode 269 • Mar 4, 2024

The various approaches of sharing state in the Composable Architecture are mixed bag of trade offs and problems. Is there a better way? We’ll take a controversial approach: we will introduce a reference type into our state, typically a value type, and see what happens, and take it for a spin in an all new, flow-based case study.

Subscriber-only 39 min
Episode 268 • Feb 26, 2024

We tackle one of the biggest problems when it comes to “single source of truth” applications, and that is: how do you share state? Let’s begin by analyzing the problem, and truly understanding what vague mantras like “single source of truth” even mean, and then we will be in a good position to provide a wonderful solution.

Subscriber-only 48 min
Episode 267 • Feb 19, 2024

To celebrate our 6th anniversary we had another livestream! We updated an app from the most recent Composable Architecture tour to the latest observation tools, showed how these tools can improve UIKit-based apps, showed off some recent enhancements to the @Reducer macro, gave a sneak peek of a highly anticipated topic, and answered your questions along the way.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 54 min
Episode 266 • Jan 29, 2024

So what’s the point of observation in the Composable Architecture? While we have seemingly simplified nearly every inch of the library as it interfaces with SwiftUI, let’s zoom out a bit, explore how some integration tests that benchmark certain aspects of the library have changed, and migrate the Todos application we built in the very first tour of this library to the new tools.

Subscriber-only 27 min
Episode 265 • Jan 22, 2024

We have iterated on how bindings work in the Composable Architecture many times, but have never been fully happy with the results. With Observation, that all changes. By eliminating view stores and observing store state directly, we are free to totally reimagine bindings in the Composable Architecture, and get rid of even more concepts in the process.

Subscriber-only 19 min
Episode 264 • Jan 15, 2024

Observation has allowed us to get rid of a number of view wrappers the Composable Architecture used to require in favor of vanilla SwiftUI views, instead, but we still depend on a zoo of view modifiers to drive navigation. Let’s rethink all of these helpers and see if we can trade them out for simpler, vanilla SwiftUI view modifiers, instead.

Subscriber-only 22 min
Episode 263 • Jan 8, 2024

We can now observe struct, optional, and enum state in the Composable Architecture, but what about collections? Let’s explore what it takes to get rid of the ForEachStore wrapper view for a vanilla ForEach view instead, while still observing updates to collection state in the most minimal way possible.

Subscriber-only 53 min
Episode 262 • Dec 18, 2023

We’ve made structs and optionals observable in the Composable Architecture, eliminating the need for ViewStores and IfLetStores, so what about enums? If we can make enums observable, we could further eliminate the concept of the SwitchStore, greatly improving the ergonomics of working with enums in the library.

Subscriber-only 43 min
Episode 261 • Dec 11, 2023

The Composable Architecture can now observe struct state, but it requires a lot of boilerplate. Let’s fix this by leveraging the @Observable macro from the Swift open source repository. And let’s explore what it means to observe optional state and eliminate the library’s IfLetStore view for a simple if let statement.

Subscriber-only 40 min
Episode 260 • Dec 4, 2023

One of the core tenets of the Composable Architecture is that you should be able to model your application’s state using simple value types, like structs and enums. However, the @Observable macro does not work with value types at all, and so in order to enhance the Composable Architecture with Observation we will need to contend with this issue and explore what it means for a struct to be observable.

Subscriber-only 43 min
Episode 259 • Nov 27, 2023

We’re about to completely revolutionize the Composable Architecture with Swift’s new Observation framework! But first, a sneak peek: we’ll take the public beta (available today!) for a spin to see how the concept of a “view store” completely vanishes when using the new tools.

Oh, and did we mention that the new observation tools in the library have been backported all the way back to iOS 13? This means you can use the tools immediately. 🤯

Free 22 min
Episode 258 • Nov 20, 2023

We have now totally reimagined the design of our case paths library to create actual key paths for enum cases, but there is some boilerplate involved. Let’s create a macro that eliminates all of it and explore a few of the possibilities it unlocks.

Subscriber-only 55 min
Episode 257 • Nov 13, 2023

“Case paths” grant key path-like functionality to enum cases. They solve many problems in navigation, parsing, and architecture, but fall short of native key paths…till now. Let’s close this gap using macros that generate actual key paths to enum cases.

Subscriber-only 59 min
Episode 256 • Nov 6, 2023

We take all we’ve learned about the Observation framework and apply it to a larger, more real world application: our rewrite of Apple’s Scrumdinger demo. We’ll see what changes are easy to make, what changes are a bit trickier, and encounter a bug that you’ll want to know about.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 1 min
Episode 255 • Oct 30, 2023

We’ve explored the present state of observation in Swift, so what’s the future have in store? Currently, observation is restricted to classes, while one of Swift’s most celebrated features, value types, is left out in the cold. Let’s explore a future in which observation is extended to value types.

Subscriber-only 30 min
Episode 254 • Oct 23, 2023

While the @Observable macro improves upon nearly every aspect of the @State and @ObservedObject property wrappers, it is not without its pitfalls. We will explore several gotchas that you should be aware of when adopting observation in your applications.

Subscriber-only 49 min
Episode 253 • Oct 16, 2023

The @Observable macro is here and we will see how it improves on nearly every aspect of the old tools in SwiftUI. We will also take a peek behind the curtain to not only get comfortable with the code the macro expands to, but also the actual open source code that powers the framework.

Subscriber-only 52 min
Episode 252 • Oct 9, 2023

It’s time to dive deep into Swift’s new observation tools. But to start we will take a look at the tools SwiftUI historically provided, including the @State and @ObservedObject property wrappers, how they behave and where they fall short, so that we can compare them to the new @Observable macro.

Subscriber-only 42 min
Episode 251 • Sep 25, 2023

Let’s take our MacroTesting library for a spin with some more advanced macros, including those that Apple has gathered since the feature’s introduction, as well as a well-tested library in the community: Ian Keen’s MacroKit.

Free 43 min
Episode 250 • Sep 18, 2023

Macros are here! To celebrate, we are releasing a brand new tool to aid in writing tests for them. First, let’s explore testing macros using the tools that Apple provides, evaluate their shortcomings, and see how we can address them.

Free 46 min
Episode 249 • Sep 11, 2023

We conclude the series by adding the final bit of functionality to our application: persistence. We’ll see how adding a dependency on persistence can wreak havoc on previews and tests, and all the benefits of controlling it.

Subscriber-only 51 min
Episode 248 • Sep 4, 2023

We introduce a complex dependency to the record meeting screen: speech recognition. We will begin to integrate this dependency into our app’s logic, and show how to control it for Xcode previews and tests

Subscriber-only 51 min
Episode 247 • Aug 28, 2023

We’ll learn how to precisely model navigation in the Composable Architecture using an enum to eliminate impossible runtime states at compile time. And we’ll begin to implement the app’s most complex screen and most complex dependency: the record meeting view and the speech client.

Subscriber-only 36 min
Episode 246 • Aug 21, 2023

We show how to add stack-based navigation to a Composable Architecture application, how to support many different kinds of screens, how to deep link into a navigation stack, and how to write deep tests for how navigation is integrated into the application.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 2 min
Episode 245 • Aug 14, 2023

With the standups list and standup form features ready, it’s time to integrate them together using the Composable Architecture’s navigation tools. We will make it so you can add and edit standups via a sheet, and write comprehensive unit tests for this integration.

Subscriber-only 50 min
Episode 244 • Aug 7, 2023

We continue our tour of the Composable Architecture 1.0 by rebuilding one of Apple’s most complex sample projects: Scrumdinger. We will create our own “Standups” app using the tools of the Composable Architecture.

Subscriber-only 50 min
Episode 243 • Jul 31, 2023

The Composable Architecture has reached a major milestone: version 1.0. To celebrate this release we are doing a fresh tour of the library so that folks can become comfortable building applications with it in its most modern form. We will start with a simple, but substantial application that shows off the basics, before we recreate Apple’s most complex sample project.

Free 57 min
Episode 242 • Jul 17, 2023

What’s the point of the work we did to make async testing reliable and deterministic, and are we even testing reality anymore? We conclude our series by rewriting our feature and tests using Combine instead of async-await, and comparing both approaches.

Subscriber-only 40 min
Episode 241 • Jul 10, 2023

We continue our deep dive into advanced Swift concurrency by exploring the concept of “executors” to better understand its global enqueue hook. We will then put this hook to work and finally have reliable, 100% deterministic async tests.

Subscriber-only 37 min
Episode 240 • Jul 3, 2023

We dive into Apple’s Async Algorithms package to explore some advanced usages of Swift’s concurrency runtime, including a particular tool we can leverage to bend the will of async code to our advantage in tests.

Subscriber-only 23 min
Episode 239 • Jun 26, 2023

We explore a few more advanced scenarios when it comes to async code—including cancellation, async sequences, and clocks—and how difficult they are to test.

Free 27 min
Episode 238 • Jun 19, 2023

While Swift provides wonderful tools for writing async code, there are gaps in its tools for testing it. Let’s explore the tools it does provide to show where they succeed, and where they fall short.

Free 47 min
Episode 237 • May 29, 2023

We complete the series by writing a comprehensive test suite for our stack navigation-based app. We will uncover some shortcomings of the tools we’ve built and address each one, resulting in a set of tools that are a joy to test with.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 6 min
Episode 236 • May 22, 2023

We round out the functionality of the Composable Architecture’s stack navigation tools. This includes automatic cancellation of a child feature’s effects when it’s popped off the stack, and the ability for a child feature to pop itself. Along the way we will clean up the domain modeling and user experience of working with these tools.

Subscriber-only 37 min
Episode 235 • May 15, 2023

We introduce a complementary StackState wrapper to our navigation tools to solve a few issues that came from repurposing the identified array type. Once implemented and integrated, we will put these tools’ superpowers to work by implementing two new features.

Subscriber-only 59 min
Episode 234 • May 8, 2023

We begin designing brand new navigation stack tools for the Composable Architecture to solve all of the problems we encountered when shoehorning stack navigation into the existing tools, and more.

Subscriber-only 38 min
Episode 233 • May 1, 2023

Let’s insert a new feature into the navigation stack. We’ll take things step-by-step, employing an enum to hold multiple features in a single package, and making small changes to how we use our existing APIs before sketching out all-new tools dedicated to stack navigation.

Subscriber-only 30 min
Episode 232 • Apr 24, 2023

We enhance our navigation stack with a bit more complexity by adding the ability to drill down multiple layers in multiple ways: using the new navigation link API, and programmatically. We also prepare a new feature to add to the stack.

Subscriber-only 24 min
Episode 231 • Apr 17, 2023

It’s finally time to tackle navigation stacks in the Composable Architecture! They are a powerful, new tool in SwiftUI and stray a bit from all the other forms of tree-based navigation we’ve explored. Let’s compare the two styles and see what it takes to integrate stacks into the library’s navigation tools.

Subscriber-only 45 min
Episode 230 • Apr 10, 2023

We take a detour to learn about the stack, the heap, copy-on-write, and how we can use this knowledge to further improve our navigation tools by introducing of a property wrapper.

Subscriber-only 50 min
Episode 229 • Apr 3, 2023

We now support many different forms of navigation in the Composable Architecture, but if used naively, they open us up to invalid states, like being navigated to several screens at a time. We’ll correct this with the help of Swift’s enums.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 9 min
Episode 228 • Mar 27, 2023

While we just tackled drill-down navigation, sadly the API we used was deprecated in iOS 16. Let’s get things working with the new navigationDestination view modifier, and see what testing in the Composable Architecture has to say about navigation.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 227 • Mar 20, 2023

We have a single navigation API powering alerts, dialogs, sheets, popovers, and full screen covers, but what about the prototypical form of navigation, the one that everyone thinks of when they hear “navigation”? It’s time to tackle links.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 226 • Mar 13, 2023

Let’s prepare to delete a lot of code. The navigation APIs we’ve built so far to drive alerts, dialogs, and sheets all have more or less the same shape. We can unify them all in a single package that can also be applied to popovers, fullscreen covers, and more!

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 225 • Mar 6, 2023

We add superpowers to the navigation tools of the Composable Architecture, including automatically cancelling a child feature’s effects upon dismissal, and even letting child features dismiss themselves! Plus, we look at how “non-exhaustive” testing simplifies navigation-based tests.

Subscriber-only 52 min
Episode 224 • Feb 27, 2023

We tackle a more complex form of navigation: sheets! We’ll start with the tools the Composable Architecture ships today before greatly simplifying them, taking inspiration from the tools we built for alerts and dialogs.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 14 min
Episode 223 • Feb 20, 2023

Let’s dip our toes into the new composable navigation tools by improving how alerts and confirmation dialogs can used in the library. We will create a new reducer operator that more correctly handles the logic and hides unnecessary details.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 2 min
Episode 222 • Feb 13, 2023

It’s finally time to tackle navigation in the Composable Architecture. We’ll port the Inventory app we first built to understand SwiftUI navigation, which will push us to understand what makes the architecture “composable,” how it facilitates communication between features, and testing.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 3 min
Episode 221 • Feb 6, 2023

Our first ever livestream! We talk about a few new features that made it into our Dependencies library when we extracted it from the Composable Architecture, live code our way through a NavigationStack refactor of our Standups app, and answer your questions along the way!

Free 1 hr 34 min
Episode 220 • Jan 16, 2023

We conclude the series by taking control of the last two dependencies: persistence and speech recognition. We’ll make use of even more features of our new Dependencies library and we’ll write tests for our features that would have been impossible before.

Subscriber-only 40 min
Episode 219 • Jan 9, 2023

Uncontrolled dependencies can wreak havoc on a modern SwiftUI code base. Let’s explore why, and how we can begin to control them using a brand new library.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 218 • Jan 2, 2023

We wrap up the “record meeting” screen by implementing two more side effects: speech recognition, and persistence. We’ll experience the pitfalls of interacting directly with these dependencies, and why we should care about controlling them.

Subscriber-only 25 min
Episode 217 • Dec 19, 2022

After a brief digression to explore the performance and ergonomics of identified collections, we dive into the messy world of side effects by implementing the “record meeting” screen. We’ll start with the timer, which has surprisingly nuanced logic.

Subscriber-only 37 min
Episode 216 • Dec 12, 2022

We add more screens and more navigation to our rewrite of Apple’s Scrumdinger, including the standup detail view, a delete confirmation alert, and we set up parent-child communication between features.

Subscriber-only 42 min
Episode 215 • Dec 5, 2022

We begin to layer on behavior in our rewrite of Apple’s “Scrumdinger” demo application, starting with navigation. We will do some upfront work to model it in our application state, as concisely as possible, to avoid a whole class of bugs, unlock deep linking, and enable testability.

Subscriber-only 34 min
Episode 214 • Nov 28, 2022

What goes into building a SwiftUI application with best, modern practices? We’ll take a look at Apple’s “Scrumdinger” sample code, a decently complex app that tackles many real world problems, get familiar with how it’s built, and then rewrite it!

Free 32 min
Episode 213 • Nov 21, 2022

When all-new SwiftUI navigation tools were announced at WWDC, the one that got the most attention by far was NavigationStack, which powers navigation with an array. It is extremely powerful, but comes with trade-offs and new complexities.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 1 min
Episode 212 • Nov 14, 2022

Why did Apple scrap and reinvent SwiftUI’s navigation APIs in iOS 16? Let’s look at some problems the old APIs had, how one of the new APIs solves one of them, and how we can work around a bug in this new API.

Subscriber-only 57 min
Episode 211 • Nov 7, 2022

A year ago we dove deep into the topic of navigation in SwiftUI. Then Apple deprecated many of those APIs at this year’s WWDC, replacing them with a brand new suite. To make sense of these changes, let’s recap what we built over those past episodes, and why.

Free 49 min
Episode 210 • Oct 24, 2022

With “immediate” and “unimplemented” conformances of the Clock protocol under our belt, let’s build something more complicated: a “test” clock that can tell time when and how to flow. We’ll explore why we’d ever need such a thing and what it unlocks.

Subscriber-only 41 min
Episode 209 • Oct 17, 2022

The Clock protocol is a brand-new feature of Swift 5.7 for dealing with time-based asynchrony. We will explore its interface, compare it to Combine’s Scheduler profile, and see what it takes to write and use our own conformances.

Subscriber-only 53 min
Episode 208 • Oct 10, 2022

We celebrate the release of the Composable Architecture’s new reducer protocol and dependency management system by showing how they improve the case studies and demos that come with the library, as well as a larger more real-world application.

Free 45 min
Episode 207 • Oct 3, 2022

Testing is a top priority in the Composable Architecture, so what does the reducer protocol and new dependency management system add to testing features? It allows us to codify a testing pattern directly into the library that makes our tests instantly stronger and more exhaustive.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 206 • Sep 26, 2022

We now have a SwiftUI-inspired system for plucking dependencies out of thin air to provide them to reducers, but we can’t control them or separate interface from implementation. Once we do, we’ll have something far better than ever before.

Subscriber-only 34 min
Episode 205 • Sep 19, 2022

We begin to flesh out a new story for dependencies in the Composable Architecture, taking inspiration from SwiftUI. We will examine SwiftUI’s environment and build a faithful reproduction that provides many of the same great benefits.

Subscriber-only 36 min
Episode 204 • Sep 12, 2022

The new reducer protocol has improved many things, but we’re now in an awkward place when it comes to defining them: some are conformances and some are not. We’ll fix that with inspiration from SwiftUI and the help of a new protocol feature.

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 203 • Sep 5, 2022

We are already seeing huge benefits from the reducer protocol, but one aspect is still not ideal, and that is how we compose reducers. We will look to result builders to solve the problem, and a new feature of them introduced in Swift 5.7.

Subscriber-only 30 min
Episode 202 • Aug 29, 2022

Let’s begin to solve a number of the problems with the Composable Architecture by introducing a reducer protocol. We will write some common conformances and operators in the new style, and even refactor a complex demo application.

Subscriber-only 52 min
Episode 201 • Aug 22, 2022

The Composable Architecture was first released over two years ago, and the core ergonomics haven’t changed much since then. It’s time to change that: we are going to improve the ergonomics of nearly every facet of creating a feature with the library, and make all new patterns possible.

Free 39 min
Episode 200 • Aug 8, 2022

This week we are releasing the biggest update to the Composable Architecture since its first release over 2 years ago, bringing more of Swift’s modern concurrency tools to the library. To celebrate we will demonstrate how these tools can massively simplify a few real-world applications.

Free 1 hr 5 min
Episode 199 • Aug 1, 2022

We explore ways to tie the lifetime of an effect to the lifetime of a view, making it possible to automatically cancel and tear down work when a view goes away. This unexpectedly helps us write even stronger tests for our features.

Subscriber-only 38 min
Episode 198 • Jul 25, 2022

We introduce another helper to the Effect type that can use an asynchronous context to send multiple actions back into the system. By leveraging Swift’s structured concurrency we can create complex effects in a natural way, all without sacrificing testability.

Subscriber-only 41 min
Episode 197 • Jul 18, 2022

We can now run async work directly in a reducer’s effects, but time-based asynchrony, like Task.sleep, will wreak havoc in our tests. Let’s explore the problem in a new feature, and see how to recover the nice syntax of modern timing tools using a protocol from the past: Combine schedulers.

Subscriber-only 30 min
Episode 196 • Jul 11, 2022

This week we start fixing the problems we outlined last week. We build the tools necessary to start using concurrency tasks directly in reducers, and along the way we open Pandora’s box of existential types to solve some mind-bending type issues.

Subscriber-only 52 min
Episode 195 • Jul 4, 2022

The Composable Architecture’s fundamental unit of effect is modeled on Combine publishers because it was the simplest and most modern asynchrony tool available at the time. Now Swift has native concurrency tools, and so we want to make use of those tools in the library. But first, let’s see what can go wrong if we try to naively use async/await in an existing application.

Free 40 min
Episode 194 • Jun 27, 2022

There are amazing features of Swift concurrency that don’t quite fit into our narrative of examining it through the lens of past concurrency tools. Instead, we’ll examine them through the lens of a past programming paradigm, structured programming, and see what is has to say about structured concurrency.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 1 min
Episode 193 • Jun 20, 2022

When working with concurrent code, you must contend with data synchronization and data races. While the tools of the past made it difficult to reason about these issues, Swift’s new tools make it a breeze, including the Sendable protocol, @Sendable closures, and actors.

Subscriber-only 48 min
Episode 192 • Jun 13, 2022

Let’s look at what the future of concurrency looks like in Swift. A recent release of Swift came with a variety of tools with concurrency. Let’s examine its fundamental unit in depth, and explore how they “cooperate” in your applications.

Subscriber-only 45 min
Episode 191 • May 30, 2022

Before developing Swift’s modern concurrency tools, Apple improved upon threads with several other abstractions, including operation queues, Grand Central Dispatch, and Combine. Let’s see what these newer tools brought to the table.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 2 min
Episode 190 • May 23, 2022

To better understand Swift’s concurrency tools, let’s first look to the past, starting with threads. Threads are a tool most developers don’t reach for these days, but are important to understand, and the way they solve problems reverberate even in today’s tools.

Subscriber-only 52 min
Episode 189 • May 9, 2022

We conclude our tour of swift-parsing with a look at how URL routers defined as parser-printers can be automatically transformed into fully-fledged API clients, which we will drop into an iOS application and immediately use.

Free 33 min
Episode 188 • May 2, 2022

Now that we’re familiar with swift-parsing’s URL router, let’s take a look at Swift’s most popular web framework, Vapor. We will rebuild our site router using Vapor’s built-in router, and then we’ll use our own companion library to power our Vapor application with a parser-printer, instead.

Free 37 min
Episode 187 • Apr 25, 2022

URL routing is a large problem that has been solved in various ways over the years…but what does that have to do with swift-parsing!? A lot! swift-parsing comes with a URL routing library built on top of parser-printers, and it solves a lot of problems that still exist in today’s most popular web frameworks.

Free 48 min
Episode 186 • Apr 18, 2022

We continue our tour by comparing swift-parsing to Apple’s forthcoming Regex DSL. After taking a look at the proposal, we’ll translate an example over to be a parser-printer to compare and contrast each approach.

Free 36 min
Episode 185 • Apr 11, 2022

Today we celebrate a huge release of swift-parsing, which includes the ability to build invertible parser-printers with ease. We’ll demonstrate by using the library to build three different parser-printers, starting with a fun exercise from Advent of Code

Free 40 min
Episode 184 • Apr 4, 2022

We conclude our series on invertible parsing by converting a more complex parser into a parser-printer, and even enhance its format. This will push us to think through a couple more fun parser-printer problems.

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 183 • Mar 28, 2022

We’ve had to really stretch our brains to consider what it means to reverse the effects of parsing, but let’s looks at some parsers that take it to the next level. They will force us to reconsider a fundamental part of printing, and will make our printers even more powerful.

Subscriber-only 47 min
Episode 182 • Mar 21, 2022

Our parser-printer library is looking incredible, but there’s a glaring problem that we have no yet addressed. We haven’t been able to make one of our favorite operations, map, printer-friendly. The types simply do not line up. This week we will finally address this shortcoming.

Subscriber-only 56 min
Episode 181 • Mar 14, 2022

Our parser-printer library is looking pretty impressive, but there are a couple problems we need to address. We have made some simplifying assumptions that have greatly reduced the generality our library aspires to have. We will address them by abstracting what it means for an input to be parseable and printable.

Subscriber-only 35 min
Episode 180 • Mar 7, 2022

We will chip away at more and more parser printer conformances, some of which will truly stretch our brains, but we will finally turn our complex user CSV parser into a printer!

Subscriber-only 40 min
Episode 179 • Feb 28, 2022

Now that we’ve framed the problem of printing, let’s begin to tackle it. We will introduce a Printer protocol by “reverse-engineering” the Parser protocol, and we will conform more and more parsers to the printer protocol.

Subscriber-only 38 min
Episode 178 • Feb 21, 2022

We’ve spent many episodes discussing parsing, which turns nebulous blobs of data into well-structured data, but sometimes we need the “inverse” process to turn well-structured data back into nebulous data. This is called “printing” and can be useful for serialization, URL routing and more. This week we begin a journey to build a unified, composable framework for parsers and printers.

Subscriber-only 30 min
Episode 177 • Feb 7, 2022

Let’s make errors a pleasure to encounter! We will make them easy to read, add more context to make them easy to debug, and even see how error messages can influence existing APIs.

Subscriber-only 43 min
Episode 176 • Jan 31, 2022

Let’s explore the topic of error handling. We will scrutinize how we model errors in our parsing library and the problems that have come out of it, and we will address these problems by changing the fundamental shape of the parser type.

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 175 • Jan 24, 2022

So what is the point of parser builders anyway? We will leverage our new builder syntax by rewriting a couple more complex parsers: a marathon parser and a URL router. This will lead us to not only clean up noise and tell a more concise parsing story, but give us a chance to create brand new parsing tools.

Subscriber-only 43 min
Episode 174 • Jan 17, 2022

Let’s begin to layer result builder syntax on top of parsing. To get our feet wet, we will build a toy result builder from scratch. Then, we will dive much deeper to apply what we learn to parsers.

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 173 • Jan 10, 2022

Let’s revisit a favorite topic: parsing! After a short recap, we will theorize and motivate the addition of result builder syntax to our parsing library, which will help unlock a new level of ergonomics and API design.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 172 • Dec 20, 2021

We finish modularizing our application by extracting its deep linking logic across feature modules. We will then show the full power of modularization by building a “preview” application that can accomplish much more than an Xcode preview can.

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 171 • Dec 13, 2021

We’ve talked about modularity a lot in the past, but we’ve never devoted full episodes to show how we approach the subject. We will define and explore various kinds of modularity, and we’ll show how to modularize a complex application from scratch using modern build tools.

Free 43 min
Episode 170 • Dec 6, 2021

We finish porting our SwiftUI application to UIKit by introducing a collection view. Along the way we will demonstrate how deep-linking works exactly as it did in SwiftUI, and we show the power of state driven navigation by seamlessly switching between the two view paradigms.

Subscriber-only 49 min
Episode 169 • Nov 29, 2021

What does all the work we’ve done with navigation in SwiftUI have to say about UIKit? Turns out a lot! Without making a single change to the view models we can rewrite the entire view layer in UIKit, and the application will work exactly as it did before, deep-linking and all!

Subscriber-only 45 min
Episode 168 • Nov 15, 2021

We’ve claimed that the way we handle navigation in SwiftUI unlocks the ability to deep link to any screen in your application, so let’s put that claim to the test. We will add real-world deep linking to our application, from scratch, using the parsing library we open sourced many months ago.

Subscriber-only 59 min
Episode 167 • Nov 8, 2021

Over the past weeks we have come up with some seriously powerful tools for SwiftUI navigation that have allowed us to more precisely and correctly model our app’s domain, so let’s exercise them a bit more by adding more behavior and deeper navigation to our application.

Subscriber-only 40 min
Episode 166 • Nov 1, 2021

Let’s explore “tag” and “selection”-based navigation links in SwiftUI. What are they for and how do they compare with the link and link helpers we’ve used so far? We will then take a step back to compare links with all of the other forms of navigation out there and propose a “Grand Unified Theory of Navigation.”

Subscriber-only 37 min
Episode 165 • Oct 25, 2021

It’s time to explore the most complex form of navigation in SwiftUI: links! We’ll start with some simpler flavors of NavigationLink to see how they work, how they compare with other navigation APIs, and how they interact with the tools we’ve built in this series.

Subscriber-only 39 min
Episode 164 • Oct 18, 2021

Now that we’ve built up the tools needed to bind application state to navigation, let’s exercise them. We’ll quickly add two more features to our application, beef up our navigation tools, and even write unit tests that assert against navigation and deep-linking.

Subscriber-only 40 min
Episode 163 • Oct 11, 2021

This week we’ll explore how to drive a sheet with optional state and how to facilitate communication between the sheet and the view presenting it. In the process we will discover a wonderful binding transformation for working with optionals.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 162 • Oct 4, 2021

It’s time to look at a more advanced kind of navigation: modals. We will implement a new feature that will be driven by a sheet and can be deep-linked into. Along the way we’ll introduce a helper to solve a domain modeling problem involving enum state.

Subscriber-only 43 min
Episode 161 • Sep 27, 2021

We continue our journey exploring navigation with an examination of alerts and action sheets. We’ll compare their original APIs in SwiftUI to the ones that replace them in the SDK that just shipped, and do a domain modeling exercise to recover what was lost.

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 160 • Sep 20, 2021

Navigation is a really, really complex topic, and it’s going to take us many episodes go deep into it. We will begin our journey by coming up with a precise definition of what “navigation” is, and by exploring a couple simpler forms of navigation.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 159 • Sep 6, 2021

We just made the Composable Architecture’s concise binding helpers safer, but can we make them even more concise? We’ll start with a suggestion that came from the community and employ even more Swift tricks, like dynamic member lookup, to get things even conciser than vanilla SwiftUI.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 158 • Aug 30, 2021

Previously we explored how SwiftUI makes building forms a snap, and we contrasted it with the boilerplate introduced by the Composable Architecture. We employed a number of advanced tools to close the gap, but we can do better! We’ll start by using a property wrapper to make things much safer than before.

Subscriber-only 29 min
Episode 157 • Aug 16, 2021

We finish our search-based application by adding and controlling another MapKit API, integrating it into our application so we can annotate a map with search results, and then we’ll go the extra mile and write tests for the entire thing!

Free 57 min
Episode 156 • Aug 9, 2021

Let’s develop a new application from scratch to explore SwiftUI’s new .searchable API. We’ll use MapKit to search for points of interest, and we will control this complex dependency so that our application can be fully testable.

Free 41 min
Episode 155 • Aug 2, 2021

Let’s explore another API just announced at WWDC: @FocusState. We’ll take a simple example and layer on some complexity, including side effects and testability, and we’ll see that the solution we land on works just as well in the Composable Architecture!

Free 39 min
Episode 154 • Jul 26, 2021

The Composable Architecture does not yet support any of the fancy new concurrency features from WWDC this year, so is it possible to interact with async/await APIs like .refreshable? Not only is it possible, but it can be done without any changes to the core library.

Free 34 min
Episode 153 • Jul 19, 2021

Let’s take a look at the new refreshable API in SwiftUI. We will explore how to add it to a feature, how it depends on Swift’s new async/await tools, and how to introduce cancellation.

Free 33 min
Episode 152 • Jul 5, 2021

This week we improve the performance of another part of the Composable Architecture ecosystem: case paths! We will benchmark the reflection mechanism that powers case paths and speed things up with the help of a Swift runtime function.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 151 • Jun 28, 2021

Did you know the Composable Architecture’s scope operation and ViewStore are performance tools? We’ll explore how to diagnose your app’s performance, how scope can help, and fix a few long-standing performance issues in the library itself.

Subscriber-only 45 min
Episode 150 • Jun 21, 2021

We typically rewrite vanilla SwiftUI applications into Composable Architecture applications, but this week we do the opposite! We will explore “deriving behavior” by taking an existing TCA app and rewriting it using only the SwiftUI tools Apple gives us.

Free 1 hr 0 min
Episode 149 • Jun 14, 2021

We will explore two more domain transformations in the Composable Architecture. One comes with the library: the ability to embed a smaller domain, optionally, in a larger domain. Another we will build from scratch: the ability to embed smaller domains in the cases of an enum!

Subscriber-only 1 hr 21 min
Episode 148 • May 31, 2021

The Composable Architecture comes with several tools that aid in breaking large domains down into smaller ones, not just pullback and scope. This week we will see how it can take a small domain and embed it many times in a collection domain.

Subscriber-only 43 min
Episode 147 • May 24, 2021

Let’s rebuild last week’s moderately complex SwiftUI app in the Composable Architecture to explore its built-in solution for breaking larger domains down into smaller ones using the scope operator. We’ll then explore a few examples of scope in the wild.

Subscriber-only 45 min
Episode 146 • May 17, 2021

The ability to break down applications into small domains that are understandable in isolation is a universal problem, and yet there is no default story for doing so in SwiftUI. We explore the problem space and a possible solution in vanilla SwiftUI before turning our attention to the Composable Architecture.

Subscriber-only 42 min
Episode 145 • May 10, 2021

We wrap up our tour of isowords by showing off two powerful ways the iOS client and Swift server share code. Not only does the same code that routes server requests simultaneously power the API client, but we can write integration tests that exercise the full client–server lifecycle.

Free 53 min
Episode 144 • May 3, 2021

It’s time to take a look at the other half of the isowords code base: the server! We’ll get you running the server locally, and then explore some benefits of developing client and server in Swift, such as simultaneously debugging both applications together, and sharing code.

Free 32 min
Episode 143 • Apr 26, 2021

Let’s dive deeper into the isowords code base. We’ll explore how the Composable Architecture and modularization unlocked many things, including the ability to add an onboarding experience without any changes to feature code, an App Clip, and even App Store assets.

Free 57 min
Episode 142 • Apr 19, 2021

In past episodes we took a peek behind the curtains of our recently released iOS game, isowords. Now it’s time to dive deep into the code base to see how it’s built. We’ll start by showing our modern approach to project management using SPM and explore how the Composable Architecture powers the entire application.

Free 37 min
Episode 141 • Apr 5, 2021

Crafting better test dependencies for our code bases come with additional benefits outside of testing. We show how SwiftUI previews can be strengthened from better dependencies, and we show how we employ these techniques in our newly released game, isowords.

Subscriber-only 52 min
Episode 140 • Mar 29, 2021

A major source of complexity in our applications is asynchrony. It is a side effect that is easy to overlook and can make testing more difficult and less reliable. We will explore the problem and come to a solution using Combine schedulers.

Subscriber-only 40 min
Episode 139 • Mar 22, 2021

Exhaustively describing dependencies in your tests makes them stronger and easier to understand. We improve the ergonomics of this technique by ditching the fatalError in unimplemented dependencies, using XCTFail, and we open source a library along the way.

Subscriber-only 36 min
Episode 138 • Mar 15, 2021

We talk about dependencies a lot on Point-Free, but we’ve never done a deep dive on how to tune them for testing. It’s time to do just that, by first showing how a test can exhaustively describe its dependencies, which comes with some incredible benefits.

Subscriber-only 41 min
Episode 137 • Mar 1, 2021

Animating asynchronous effects with Combine schedulers is not only important for the Composable Architecture. It can be incredibly useful for any SwiftUI application. We will explore this with a fresh SwiftUI project to see what problems they solve and how they can allow us to better embrace SwiftUI’s APIs.

Subscriber-only 44 min
Episode 136 • Feb 22, 2021

The Composable Architecture mostly “just works” with SwiftUI animations out of the box, except for one key situation: animations driven by asynchronous effects. To fix this we are led to a really surprising transformation of Combine schedulers.

Subscriber-only 44 min
Episode 135 • Feb 15, 2021

One of the most impressive features of SwiftUI is its animation system. Let’s explore the various flavors of animation, such as implicit versus explicit and synchronous versus asynchronous, to help prepare us for how animation works with the Composable Architecture.

Subscriber-only 39 min
Episode 134 • Feb 8, 2021

We’ve shown how to dramatically streamline forms in the Composable Architecture, but it’s time to ask “what’s the point?” We apply the concepts previously developed to a real world application: isowords. It’s a word game built in the Composable Architecture, launching soon.

Free 28 min
Episode 133 • Feb 1, 2021

The Composable Architecture makes it easy to layer complexity onto a form, but it just can’t match the brevity of vanilla SwiftUI…or can it!? We will overcome a Swift language limitation using key paths and type erasure to finally say “bye!” to boilerplate.

Subscriber-only 58 min
Episode 132 • Jan 25, 2021

Building forms in the Composable Architecture seem to have the opposite strengths and weaknesses as vanilla SwiftUI. Simple forms are cumbersome due to boilerplate, but complex forms come naturally thanks to the strong opinion on dependencies and side effects.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 1 min
Episode 131 • Jan 18, 2021

For simple forms, vanilla SwiftUI does a really good job: you can quickly build a form with many components in minimal code and boilerplate. But as a form becomes more complex, SwiftUI stops being so helpful. Let’s explore the problems that emerge and how we can work around them.

Subscriber-only 35 min
Episode 130 • Dec 21, 2020

It is well accepted that hand-rolled, imperative parsers are vastly more performant than parsers built with combinators. However, we show that by employing all of our performance tricks we can get within a stone’s throw of the performance of imperative parsers, and with much more maintainable code.

Free 58 min
Episode 129 • Dec 14, 2020

The performance gains we have made with the parser type have already been super impressive, but we can take things even further. We will explore the performance characteristics of closures using the time profiler and make some changes to how we define parsers to unlock even more speed.

Subscriber-only 39 min
Episode 128 • Dec 7, 2020

We convert some of our substring parsers to work on lower levels of String abstractions, and unlock huge performance gains. Even better, thanks to our generalized parser we can even piece together multiple parsers that work on different abstraction levels, maximizing performance in the process.

Subscriber-only 50 min
Episode 127 • Nov 30, 2020

We want to explore the performance of composable parsers, but to do so we must first take a deep dive into the Swift string API. There are multiple abstractions of strings in Swift, each with its own benefits and performance characteristics. We will benchmark them in order to get a scientific basis for comparison, and will describe how to properly write a benchmark.

Subscriber-only 35 min
Episode 126 • Nov 23, 2020

Generalizing the parser type has allowed us to parse more types of inputs, but that is only scratching the surface. It also unlocks many new things that were previously impossible to see, including the ability to parse a stream of inputs and stream its output, making our parsers much more performant.

Subscriber-only 36 min
Episode 125 • Nov 16, 2020

Now that we have generalized the parser type it’s time to parse things that aren’t just plain strings. In just a few lines of code the parser type can parse environment variable dictionaries and even become a fully capable URL router.

Subscriber-only 53 min
Episode 124 • Nov 9, 2020

The parser type we built so far is highly tuned to work on strings, but there are many things out in the world we’d want to parse, not just strings. It’s time to massively generalize parsing so that it can parse any kind of input into any kind of output.

Subscriber-only 33 min
Episode 123 • Nov 2, 2020

The zip function shows up on many types: from Swift arrays and Combine publishers, to optionals, results, and even parsers! But zip on parsers is a little unlike zip on all of those other types. Let’s explore why and how to fix it.

Subscriber-only 51 min
Episode 122 • Oct 26, 2020

We finish up our XCTest log parser by parsing out the data associated with a test failure. Once done we will format the results in a pretty way and package everything up in a CLI tool we can run in our own projects.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 121 • Oct 19, 2020

Now that we’ve refamiliarized ourselves with parsing, let’s parse something even more complex: XCTest logs. We will parse and pretty-print the output from xcodebuild and discover more reusable combinators along the way.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 120 • Oct 12, 2020

We round out our parsing recap by reintroducing that functional trio of operators: map, zip, and flat-map. We’ll use them to build up some complex parsers and make a few more ergonomic improvements to our library along the way.

Subscriber-only 38 min
Episode 119 • Oct 5, 2020

It’s time to revisit one of our favorite topics: parsing! We want to discuss lots of new parsing topics, such as generalized parsing, performance, reversible parsing and more, but before all of that we will start with a recap of what we have covered previously, and make a few improvements along the way.

Subscriber-only 25 min
Episode 118 • Sep 21, 2020

We finish building a rich onboarding experience for our application by selectively enabling and disabling pieces of logic in the app depending on what step of the onboarding process we are on. This is only possible due to the strict “separation of concerns” the Composable Architecture maintains.

Subscriber-only 26 min
Episode 117 • Sep 14, 2020

Not only can we easily redact the logic from a view using the Composable Architecture, but we can also insert new logic into our views without making any changes to the core logic of the view. To demonstrate this we will build an onboarding flow for a more complex application.

Subscriber-only 29 min
Episode 116 • Sep 7, 2020

We’ve seen how cool redacted SwiftUI views are, but we’ve also seen some of their pitfalls: while it’s easy to redact UI, it’s not so easy to redact logic, that is unless you’re using the Composable Architecture!

Subscriber-only 20 min
Episode 115 • Aug 31, 2020

SwiftUI has introduced the concept of “████ed views”, which gives you a really nice way to ████ the text and images from views. This is really powerful, but just because the view has been ████ed it doesn’t mean the logic has also been ████ed. We show why this is problematic and why we want to fix it.

Free 25 min
Episode 114 • Aug 24, 2020

So, what’s the point of forgoing the protocols and designing dependencies with simple data types? It can be summed up in 3 words: testing, testing, testing. We can now easily write tests that exercise every aspect of our application, including its reliance on internet connectivity and location services.

Subscriber-only 50 min
Episode 113 • Aug 17, 2020

Now that we’ve tackled two dependencies of varying complexity we are ready to handle our most complicated dependency yet: Core Location. We will see what it means to control a dependency that communicates with a delegate and captures a complex state machine with many potential flows.

Subscriber-only 50 min
Episode 112 • Aug 10, 2020

It’s straightforward to design the dependency for interacting with an API client, but sadly most dependencies we work with are not so simple. So let’s consider a far more complicated dependency. One that is long living, and involves extra types that we can’t even construct ourselves.

Subscriber-only 46 min
Episode 111 • Aug 3, 2020

Let’s scrap the protocols for designing our dependencies and just use plain data types. Not only will we gain lots of new benefits that were previously impossible with protocols, but we’ll also be able to modularize our application to improve compile times.

Subscriber-only 34 min
Episode 110 • Jul 27, 2020

Let’s take a moment to properly define what a dependency is and understand why they add so much complexity to our code. We will begin building a moderately complex application with three dependencies, and see how it complicates development, and what we can do about it.

Subscriber-only 34 min
Episode 109 • Jul 20, 2020

It’s time to ask: “what’s the point?” If composing bindings is so important, then why didn’t Apple give us more tools to do it? To understand this we will explore how Apple handles these kinds of problems in their code samples, and compare it to what we have discovered in previous episodes.

Subscriber-only 39 min
Episode 108 • Jul 13, 2020

Now that we know that SwiftUI state management seems biased towards structs, let’s fix it. We’ll show how to write custom transformations on bindings so that we can use enums to model our domains precisely without muddying our views, and it turns out that case paths are the perfect tool for this job.

Subscriber-only 45 min
Episode 107 • Jul 6, 2020

Bindings are one of the core units of SwiftUI data flow and allow disparate parts of an application to communicate with one another, but they are built in such a way that strongly favors structs over enums. We will show that this prevents us from properly modeling our domains and causes unnecessary complexity in the process.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 106 • Jun 15, 2020

We refactor our application’s code so that we can run it in production with a live dispatch queue for the scheduler, while allowing us to run it in tests with a test scheduler. If we do this naively we will find that generics infect many parts of our code, but luckily we can employ the technique of type erasure to make things much nicer.

Subscriber-only 37 min
Episode 105 • Jun 8, 2020

The Scheduler protocol of Combine is a powerful abstraction that unifies many ways of executing asynchronous work, and it can even control the flow of time through our code. Unfortunately Combine doesn’t give us this ability out of the box, so let’s build it from scratch.

Subscriber-only 1 hr 6 min
Episode 104 • Jun 4, 2020

Combine is a powerful framework and is the de facto way to power SwiftUI applications, but how does one test reactive code? We will build a view model from scratch that involves asynchrony and time-based effects and explore what it takes to exhaustively test its functionality.

Subscriber-only 49 min
Episode 103 • May 25, 2020

We conclude our tour of the Composable Architecture by demonstrating how to test a complex effect. This gives us a chance to show off how the library can control time-based effects by using Combine schedulers.

Free 32 min
Episode 102 • May 18, 2020

It’s time to start proving that our business logic works the way we expect. We are going to show how easy it is to write tests with the Composable Architecture, which will give us the confidence to add more functionality and explore some advanced effect capabilities of the library.

Free 32 min
Episode 101 • May 11, 2020

Continuing the tour of our recently open-sourced library, the Composable Architecture, we start to employ some of the more advanced tools that come with the library. Right now our business logic and view is riddled with needless array index juggling, and a special higher-order reducer can clean it all up for us.

Free 28 min
Episode 100 • May 4, 2020

It’s our 100th episode 🎉! To celebrate, we are finally releasing the Composable Architecture as an open source library, which means you can start using it in your applications today! Let’s take a tour of the library, see how it’s changed from what we built in earlier episodes, and build a brand new app with it.

Free 32 min
Episode 99 • Apr 20, 2020

We’ve made creating and enhancing reducers more ergonomic, but we still haven’t given much attention to the ergonomics of the view layer of the Composable Architecture. This week we’ll make the Store much nicer to use by taking advantage of a new Swift feature and by enhancing it with a SwiftUI helper.

Subscriber-only 24 min
Episode 98 • Apr 13, 2020

The Composable Architecture is robust and solves all of the problems we set out to solve (and more), but we haven’t given enough attention to ergonomics. We will enhance one of its core units to be a little friendlier to use and extend, which will bring us one step closing to being ready for production.

Subscriber-only 27 min
Episode 97 • Apr 6, 2020

We’ve now shown that the Composable Architecture is also quite adaptive, allowing us to transform state and actions into very domain specific situations. Let’s exercise those muscles by creating a macOS app from our iOS app and demonstrating that it’s the perfect tool for creating cross-platform applications.

Subscriber-only 27 min
Episode 96 • Mar 30, 2020

When we fixed a performance problem in the Composable Architecture it gave us an opportunity to adapt the state of our application to many situations. We’ll take these learnings to see how our application’s actions may adapt as well.

Subscriber-only 42 min
Episode 95 • Mar 23, 2020

There’s a potential performance problem lurking in the Composable Architecture, and it’s time to finally solve it. But, in doing so, we will stumble upon a wonderful way to make the architecture adaptive to many more situations.

Subscriber-only 40 min
Episode 94 • Mar 16, 2020

It’s time to put the finishing touches to our architecture so that we can use it in production. This week we begin exploring how to make the Composable Architecture adapt to many use cases, and we will use a potential performance problem as inspiration for this exploration.

Subscriber-only 21 min
Episode 93 • Mar 2, 2020

It’s time to prove that baking an “environment” of dependencies directly into the Composable Architecture solves three crucial problems that the global environment pattern could not.

Subscriber-only 44 min
Episode 92 • Feb 24, 2020

Now that we’ve baked the “environment” of dependencies directly into the Composable Architecture, we’re ready to refactor our app’s frameworks and tests to work with them in a modular and more lightweight way.

Subscriber-only 34 min
Episode 91 • Feb 17, 2020

While we love the “environment” approach to dependency injection, which we introduced many episodes ago, it doesn’t feel quite right in the Composable Architecture and introduces a few problems in how we manage dependencies. Today we’ll make a small tweak to the architecture in order to solve them!

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 90 • Feb 10, 2020

Let’s explore a real world application of “case paths,” which provide key path-like functionality to enum cases. We’ll upgrade our composable architecture to use them and see why they’re a better fit than our existing approach.

Subscriber-only 22 min
Episode 89 • Feb 3, 2020

Although case paths are powerful and a natural extension of key paths, they are difficult to work with right now. They require either hand-written boilerplate, or code generation. However, there’s another way to generate case paths for free, and it will make them just as ergonomic to use as key paths.

Subscriber-only 35 min
Episode 88 • Jan 27, 2020

We’ve now seen that it’s possible to define “case paths”: the enum equivalent of key paths. So what are their features? Let’s explore a few properties of key paths to see if there are corresponding concepts on case paths.

Subscriber-only 24 min
Episode 87 • Jan 20, 2020

You’ve heard of key paths, but…case paths!? Today we introduce the concept of “case paths,” a tool that helps you generically pick apart an enum just like key paths allow you to do for structs. It’s the tool you never knew you needed.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 86 • Dec 23, 2019

In this week’s free holiday episode we show what it looks like to snapshot test a SwiftUI application in our architecture and compare this style of integration testing against XCTest’s UI testing tools.

Free 34 min
Episode 85 • Dec 16, 2019

We’ve made testing in our architecture a joy! We can test deep aspects of our application with minimal ceremony, but it took us a whole 18 episodes to get here! So this week we ask: what’s the point!? Can we write these kinds of tests in vanilla SwiftUI?

Free 33 min
Episode 84 • Dec 9, 2019

We not only want our architecture to be testable, but we want it to be super easy to write tests, and perhaps even a joy to write tests! Right now there is a bit of ceremony involved in writing tests, so we will show how to hide away those details behind a nice, ergonomic API.

Subscriber-only 42 min
Episode 83 • Dec 2, 2019

Side effects are by far the hardest thing to test in an application. They speak to the outside world and they tend to be sprinkled around to get the job done. However, we can get broad test coverage of our reducer’s effects with very little work, and it will all be thanks to a simple technique we covered in the past.

Subscriber-only 50 min
Episode 82 • Nov 25, 2019

It’s time to see how our architecture handles the fifth and final problem we identified as being important to solve when building a moderately complex application: testing! Let’s get our feet wet and write some tests for all of the reducers powering our application.

Subscriber-only 35 min
Episode 81 • Nov 18, 2019

Now that we’ve explored the Combine framework and identified its correspondence with the Effect type, let’s refactor our architecture to take full advantage of it.

Free 38 min
Episode 80 • Nov 11, 2019

Let’s explore the Combine framework and its correspondence with the Effect type. Combine introduces several concepts that overlap with how we model effects in our composable architecture. Let’s get an understanding of how they work together and compare them to our humble Effect type.

Free 25 min
Episode 79 • Nov 4, 2019

We’ve got the basic story of side effects in our architecture, but the story is far from over. Turns out that even side effects themselves are composable. Base effect functionality can be extracted and shared, and complex effects can be broken down into simpler pieces.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 78 • Oct 28, 2019

It’s time to finish our architecture’s story for side effects. We’ve described synchronous effects and unidirectional effects, but we still haven’t captured the complexity of async effects. Let’s fix that with a final, functional refactor.

Subscriber-only 35 min
Episode 77 • Oct 21, 2019

We’ve modeled side effects in our architecture, but it’s not quite right yet: a reducer can write to the outside world, but it can’t read data back in! This week our architecture’s dedication to unidirectional data flow will lead us there.

Subscriber-only 25 min
Episode 76 • Oct 14, 2019

Side effects are one of the biggest sources of complexity in any application. It’s time to figure out how to model effects in our architecture. We begin by adding a few new side effects, and then showing how synchronous effects can be handled by altering the signature of our reducers.

Subscriber-only 25 min
Episode 75 • Oct 7, 2019

We’ve now fully modularized our app by extracting its reducers and views into their own modules. Each screen of our app can be run as a little app on its own so that we can test its functionality, all without needing to know how it’s plugged into the app as a whole. And this is the point of modular state management!

Subscriber-only 19 min
Episode 74 • Sep 30, 2019

It’s time to fully modularize our app! Our views can still send any app action, so let’s explore transforming stores to focus in on just the local actions a view cares about.

Subscriber-only 25 min
Episode 73 • Sep 23, 2019

While we’ve seen that each reducer we’ve written is super modular, and we were easily able to extract each one into a separate framework, our views are still far from modular. This week we address this by considering: what does it mean to transform the state a view has access to?

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 72 • Sep 9, 2019

In exploring four forms of composition on reducer functions, we made the claim that it gave us the power to fully isolate app logic, making it simpler and easier to understand. This week we put our money where our mouth is and show just how modular these reducers are!

Subscriber-only 26 min
Episode 71 • Aug 26, 2019

We will explore a form of reducer composition that will take our applications to the next level. Higher-order reducers will allow us to implement broad, cross-cutting functionality on top of our applications with very little work, and without littering our application code with unnecessary logic. And, we’ll finally answer “what’s the point?!”

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 70 • Aug 19, 2019

Turns out, reducers that work on local actions can be pulled back to work on global actions. However, due to an imbalance in how Swift treats enums versus structs it takes a little work to implement. But never fear, a little help from our old friends “enum properties” will carry us a long way.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 69 • Aug 12, 2019

So far we have pulled a lot of our application’s logic into a reducer, but that reducer is starting to get big. Turns out that reducers emit many types of powerful compositions, and this week we explore two of them: combines and pullbacks.

Subscriber-only 25 min
Episode 68 • Aug 5, 2019

Now that we understand some of the fundamental problems that we will encounter when building a complex application, let’s start solving some of them! We will begin by demonstrating a technique for describing the state and actions in your application, as well as a consistent way to apply mutations to your application’s state.

Subscriber-only 41 min
Episode 67 • Jul 29, 2019

With our moderately complex SwiftUI application complete we can finally ask ourselves: “what’s the point!?” What does SwiftUI have to say about app architecture? What questions are left unanswered? What can we do about it?

Free 27 min
Episode 66 • Jul 22, 2019

This week we finish up our moderately complex SwiftUI application by adding more screens, more state, and even sprinkle in a side effect so that we can finally ask: “what’s the point!?”

Free 24 min
Episode 65 • Jul 15, 2019

Let’s begin exploring application architecture by understanding what are the common problems we encounter when trying to build large, complex applications. We will build an app in SwiftUI to see how Apple’s new framework approaches solving these problems.

Free 26 min
Episode 64 • Jul 8, 2019

Now that we’ve looked at how to parse multiple values given a single parser, let’s try to parse a single value using multiple parsers! And after defining a bunch of these parser combinators we’ll finally be able to ask: “what’s the point!?”

Subscriber-only 19 min
Episode 63 • Jul 1, 2019

Let’s solve another common parsing problem using parser combinators! It’s common to want to parse multiple values off a string, and while zip gets us part of the way there, it doesn’t let us parse any number of values! Luckily there’s a parser combinator that can help, and it really packs a punch.

Subscriber-only 17 min
Episode 62 • Jun 24, 2019

Even though map, flatMap and zip pack a punch, there are still many parsing operations that can’t be done using them alone. This is where “parser combinators” come into play. Let’s look at a few common parsing problems and solve them using parser combinators!

Subscriber-only 19 min
Episode 61 • Jun 10, 2019

While flatMap allowed us to take our parser type to the next level, it introduced a nesting problem. Isn’t flatMap all about solving nesting problems!? Well, we have one more operation at our disposal: zip! Let’s define zip on the parser type, see what it brings to the table, and finally ask, “what’s the point?”

Subscriber-only 27 min
Episode 60 • Jun 3, 2019

The map function on parsers is powerful, but there are still a lot of things it cannot do. We will see that in trying to solve some of its limitations we are naturally led to our old friend the flatMap function.

Subscriber-only 14 min
Episode 59 • May 27, 2019

We now have a precise, efficient definition for parsing, but we haven’t even scratched the surface of its relation to functional programming. In this episode we begin to show how all of the functional operators we know and love come into play, starting with map.

Subscriber-only 23 min
Episode 58 • May 20, 2019

It’s time to ask the all important question: what’s the point? We now have a properly defined parser type, one that can parse efficiently and incrementally, but does it give us anything new over existing tools?

Subscriber-only 20 min
Episode 57 • May 13, 2019

Now that we’ve looked at a bunch of parsers that are at our disposal, let’s ask ourselves what a parser really is from the perspective of functional programming and functions. We’ll take a multi-step journey and optimize using Swift language features.

Subscriber-only 20 min
Episode 56 • May 6, 2019

Parsing is a difficult, but surprisingly ubiquitous programming problem, and functional programming has a lot to say about it. Let’s take a moment to understand the problem space of parsing, and see what tools Swift and Apple gives us to parse complex text formats.

Subscriber-only 16 min
Episode 55 • Apr 22, 2019

Today we finally extract our enum property code generator to a Swift Package Manager library and CLI tool. We’ll also do some next-level snapshot testing: not only will we snapshot-test our generated code, but we’ll leverage the Swift compiler to verify that our snapshot builds.

Free 35 min
Episode 54 • Apr 15, 2019

This week we’ll put the finishing touches on our enum property code generation tool. We’ll add support for enum cases with multiple associated values and enum cases with no associated values, and we’ll add a feature that will make enums even more ergonomic to work with!

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 53 • Apr 8, 2019

We’ve seen how “enum properties” help close the gap between the ergonomics of accessing data on structs and enums, but defining them by hand requires a lot of boilerplate. This week we join forces with Apple’s Swift Syntax library to generate this boilerplate automatically!

Subscriber-only 23 min
Episode 52 • Apr 1, 2019

Swift makes it easy for us to access the data inside a struct via dot-syntax and key-paths, but enums are provided no such affordances. This week we correct that deficiency by defining the concept of “enum properties”, which will give us an expressive way to dive deep into the data inside our enums.

Subscriber-only 24 min
Episode 51 • Mar 25, 2019

Name a more iconic duo… We’ll wait. Structs and enums go together like peanut butter and jelly, or multiplication and addition. One’s no more important than the other: they’re completely complementary. This week we’ll explore how features on one may surprisingly manifest themselves on the other.

Subscriber-only 30 min
Episode 50 • Mar 11, 2019

Let’s put some finishing touches to our random artwork generator, incorporate it into an app, and write some snapshot tests to help support us in adding a fun easter egg.

Free 27 min
Episode 49 • Mar 4, 2019

Now that we have made randomness both composable and testable, let’s have a little fun with it! We are going to explore making some complex generative art that is built from simple, composable units.

Free 32 min
Episode 48 • Feb 25, 2019

This week we finally make our untestable Gen type testable. We’ll compare several different ways of controlling Gen, consider how they affect Gen’s API, and find ourselves face-to-face with yet another flatMap.

Subscriber-only 37 min
Episode 47 • Feb 18, 2019

Let’s set out to make the untestable testable. This week we make composable randomness compatible with Swift’s new APIs and explore various ways of controlling those APIs, both locally and globally.

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 46 • Feb 4, 2019

Finishing our 3-part answer to the all-important question “what’s the point?”, we finally show that standing on the foundation of our understanding of map, zip and flatMap we can now ask and concisely answer very complex questions about the nature of these operations.

Subscriber-only 32 min
Episode 45 • Jan 28, 2019

Continuing our 3-part answer to the all-important question “what’s the point?”, we show that the definitions of map, zip and flatMap are precise and concisely describe their purpose. Knowing this we can strengthen our APIs by not smudging their definitions when convenient.

Subscriber-only 24 min
Episode 44 • Jan 21, 2019

We are now ready to answer the all-important question: what’s the point? We will describe 3 important ideas that are now more accessible due to our deep study of map, zip and flatMap. We will start by showing that this trio of operations forms a kind of functional, domain-specific language for data transformations.

Subscriber-only 36 min
Episode 43 • Jan 16, 2019

Now that we know that flatMap is important for flattening nested arrays and optionals, we should feel empowered to define it on our own types. This leads us to understanding its structure more in depth and how it’s different from map and zip.

Subscriber-only 27 min
Episode 42 • Jan 7, 2019

Previously we’ve discussed the map and zip operations in detail, and today we start completing the trilogy by exploring flatMap. This operation is precisely the tool needed to solve a nesting problem that map and zip alone cannot.

Subscriber-only 25 min
Episode 41 • Dec 18, 2018

Our snapshot testing library is now officially open source! In order to show just how easy it is to integrate the library into any existing code base, we add some snapshot tests to a popular open source library for attributed strings. This gives us the chance to see how easy it is to write all new, domain-specific snapshot strategies from scratch.

Free 29 min
Episode 40 • Dec 17, 2018

The snapshot testing library we have been designing over the past few weeks has a serious problem: it can’t snapshot asynchronous values, like web views and anything that uses delegates or callbacks. Today we embark on a no-regret refactor to fix this problem with the help of a well-studied and well-understood functional type that we have discussed numerous times before.

Subscriber-only 34 min
Episode 39 • Nov 26, 2018

We previously refactored a library using protocols to make it more flexible and extensible but found that it wasn’t quite as flexible or extensible as we wanted it to be. This week we re-refactor our protocols away to concrete datatypes using our learnings from earlier in the series.

Subscriber-only 39 min
Episode 38 • Nov 19, 2018

With our library fully generalized using protocols, we show off the flexibility of our abstraction by adding new conformances and functionality. In fleshing out our library we find out why protocols may not be the right tool for the job.

Subscriber-only 22 min
Episode 37 • Nov 12, 2018

Perhaps the most popular approach to code reuse and extensibility in Swift is to liberally adopt protocol-oriented programming, and many Swift libraries are designed with protocol-heavy APIs. In today’s episode we refactor a sample library to use protocols and examine the pros and cons of this approach.

Subscriber-only 22 min
Episode 36 • Nov 5, 2018

We complete our dictionary for translating Swift protocol concepts into concrete datatypes and functions. This includes protocol inheritance, protocol extensions, default implementations and protocols with associated types. Along the way we will also show how concrete types can express things that are currently impossible with Swift protocols.

Subscriber-only 37 min
Episode 35 • Oct 29, 2018

Now that we know it’s possible to replace protocols with concrete datatypes, and now that we’ve seen how that opens up new ways to compose things that were previously hidden from us, let’s go a little deeper. We will show how to improve the ergonomics of writing Swift in this way, and show what Swift’s powerful conditional conformance feature is represented by just plain functions.

Subscriber-only 35 min
Episode 34 • Oct 22, 2018

Last time we covered some basics with protocols, and demonstrated one of their biggest pitfalls: types can only conform to a protocol a single time. Sometimes it’s valid and correct for a type to conform to a protocol in many ways. We show how to remedy this by demonstrating that one can scrap any protocol in favor of a simple datatype, and in doing so opens up a whole world of composability.

Subscriber-only 22 min
Episode 33 • Oct 15, 2018

Protocols are a great tool for abstraction, but aren’t the only one. This week we begin to explore the tradeoffs of using protocols by highlighting a few areas in which they fall short in order to demonstrate how we can recover from these problems using a different tool and different tradeoffs.

Subscriber-only 18 min
Episode 32 • Oct 1, 2018

This week we compare our Decodable solution to building random structures with a composable solution involving the Gen type, exploring the differences and trade-offs of each approach. Along the way we’ll rediscover a familiar old friend with a brand new application.

Subscriber-only 26 min
Episode 31 • Sep 24, 2018

This week we dive deeper into randomness and composition by looking to a seemingly random place: the Decodable protocol. While we’re used to using the Codable set of protocols when working with JSON serialization and deserialization, it opens the opportunity for so much more.

Subscriber-only 21 min
Episode 30 • Sep 17, 2018

Randomness is a topic that may not seem so functional, but it gives us a wonderful opportunity to explore composition. After a survey of what randomness looks like in Swift today, we’ll build a complex set of random APIs from just a single unit.

Subscriber-only 40 min
Episode 29 • Sep 10, 2018

Templating languages are the most common way to render HTML in web frameworks, but we don’t think they are the best way. We compare templating languages to the DSL we previously built, and show that the DSL fixes many problems that templates have, while also revealing amazing compositions that were previously hidden.

Free 33 min
Episode 28 • Sep 3, 2018

This week we apply domain-specific languages to a very real-world problem: representing and rendering HTML. We code up a simple but powerful solution that forms the foundation of what we use to build the Point-Free website.

Subscriber-only 23 min
Episode 27 • Aug 27, 2018

We finish our introduction to DSLs by adding two new features to our toy example: support for multiple variables and support for let-bindings so that we can share subexpressions within a larger expression. With these fundamentals out of the way, we will be ready to tackle a real-world DSL soon!

Subscriber-only 20 min
Episode 26 • Aug 20, 2018

We interact with domain-specific languages on a daily basis, but what does it take to build your own? After introducing the topic, we will begin building a toy example directly in Swift, which will set the foundation for a future DSL with far-reaching applications.

Subscriber-only 24 min
Episode 25 • Aug 6, 2018

The third, and final, part of our introductory series to zip finally answers the question: “What’s the point?”

Free 24 min
Episode 24 • Jul 30, 2018

In part two of our series on zip we will show that many types support a zip-like operation, and some even support multiple distinct implementations. However, not all zips are created equal, and understanding this can lead to some illuminating properties of our types.

Subscriber-only 36 min
Episode 23 • Jul 23, 2018

The zip function comes with the Swift standard library, but its utility goes far beyond what we can see there. Turns out, zip generalizes a function that we are all familiar with, and it can unify many seemingly disparate concepts. Today we begin a multipart journey into exploring the power behind zip.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 22 • Jul 16, 2018

Join us for a tour of the code base that powers this very site and see what functional programming can look like in a production code base! We’ll walk through cloning the repo and getting the site running on your local machine before showing off some of the fun functional programming we do on a daily basis.

Free 39 min
Episode 21 • Jul 9, 2018

We use Swift playgrounds on this series as a tool to dive deep into functional programming concepts, but they can be so much more. Today we demonstrate a few tricks to allow you to use playgrounds for everyday development, allowing for a faster iteration cycle.

Subscriber-only 24 min
Episode 20 • Jun 25, 2018

We often deal with collections that we know can never be empty, yet we use arrays to model them. Using the ideas from our last episode on algebraic data types, we develop a NonEmpty type that can be used to transform any collection into a non-empty version of itself.

Subscriber-only 49 min
Episode 19 • Jun 11, 2018

Our third installment of algebraic data types explores how generics and recursive data types manifest themselves in algebra. This exploration allows us to construct a useful, precise type that can be useful in everyday programming.

Subscriber-only 47 min
Episode 18 • Jun 4, 2018

Let’s have some fun with the “environment” form of dependency injection we previously explored. We’re going to extract out a few more dependencies, strengthen our mocks, and use our Overture library to make manipulating the environment friendlier.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 17 • May 28, 2018

We revisit an old topic: styling UIKit components. Using some of the machinery we have built from previous episodes, in particular setters and function composition, we refactor a screen’s styles to be more modular and composable.

Subscriber-only 29 min
Episode 16 • May 21, 2018

Today we’re going to control the world! Well, dependencies to the outside world, at least. We’ll define the “dependency injection” problem and show a lightweight solution that can be implemented in your code base with little work and no third party library.

Subscriber-only 35 min
Episode 15 • May 14, 2018

Functional setters can be very powerful, but the way we have defined them so far is not super ergonomic or performant. We will provide a friendlier API to use setters and take advantage of Swift’s value mutation semantics to make setters a viable tool to bring into your code base today.

Subscriber-only 34 min
Episode 14 • Apr 30, 2018

Let’s explore a type of composition that defies our intuitions. It appears to go in the opposite direction than we are used to. We’ll show that this composition is completely natural, hiding right in plain sight, and in fact related to the Liskov Substitution Principle.

Subscriber-only 38 min
Episode 13 • Apr 23, 2018

Why does the map function appear in every programming language supporting “functional” concepts? And why does Swift have two map functions? We will answer these questions and show that map has many universal properties, and is in some sense unique.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 12 • Apr 16, 2018

We typically model our data with very general types, like strings and ints, but the values themselves are often far more specific, like emails and ids. We’ll explore how this can lead to subtle runtime bugs and how we can strengthen these types in an ergonomic way using several features new to Swift 4.1.

Subscriber-only 26 min
Episode 11 • Apr 9, 2018

While we unabashedly promote custom operators in this series, we understand that not every codebase can adopt them. Composition is too important to miss out on due to operators, so we want to explore some alternatives to unlock these benefits.

Subscriber-only 21 min
Episode 10 • Mar 27, 2018

Swift 4.1 deprecated and renamed a particular overload of flatMap. What made this flatMap different from the others? We’ll explore this and how understanding that difference helps us explore generalizations of the operation to other structures and derive new, useful code!

Free 25 min
Episode 9 • Mar 26, 2018

We continue our explorations into algebra and the Swift type system. We show that exponents correspond to functions in Swift, and that by using the properties of exponents we can better understand what makes some functions more complex than others.

Subscriber-only 38 min
Episode 8 • Mar 19, 2018

Key paths aren’t just for setting. They also assist in getting values inside nested structures in a composable way. This can be powerful, allowing us to make the Swift standard library more expressive with no boilerplate.

Subscriber-only 28 min
Episode 7 • Mar 12, 2018

This week we explore how functional setters can be used with the types we build and use everyday. It turns out that Swift generates a whole set of functional setters for you to use, but it can be hard to see just how powerful they are without a little help.

Subscriber-only 31 min
Episode 6 • Mar 5, 2018

The programs we write can be reduced to transforming data from one form into another. We’re used to transforming this data imperatively, with setters. There’s a strange world of composition hiding here in plain sight, and it has a surprising link to a familiar functional friend.

Subscriber-only 20 min
Episode 5 • Feb 26, 2018

Most of the time we interact with code we did not write, and it doesn’t always play nicely with the types of compositions we have developed in previous episodes. We explore how higher-order functions can help unlock even more composability in our everyday code.

Subscriber-only 22 min
Episode 4 • Feb 19, 2018

What does the Swift type system have to do with algebra? A lot! We’ll begin to explore this correspondence and see how it can help us create type-safe data structures that can catch runtime errors at compile time.

Free 36 min
Episode 3 • Feb 12, 2018

We bring tools from previous episodes down to earth and apply them to an everyday task: UIKit styling. Plain functions unlock worlds of composability and reusability in styling of UI components. Have we finally solved the styling problem?

Free 27 min
Episode 2 • Feb 5, 2018

Side effects: can’t live with ’em; can’t write a program without ’em. Let’s explore a few kinds of side effects we encounter every day, why they make code difficult to reason about and test, and how we can control them without losing composition.

Free 44 min
Episode 1 • Jan 29, 2018

Our first episode is all about functions! We talk a bit about what makes functions special, contrasting them with the way we usually write code, and have some exploratory discussions about operators and composition.

Free 20 min
Episode 0 • Jan 29, 2018

Point-Free is here, bringing you videos covering functional programming concepts using the Swift language. Take a moment to hear from the hosts about what to expect from this new series.

Free 2 min