Setters and Key Paths

Episode #7 • Mar 12, 2018 • Subscriber-Only

This week we explore how functional setters can be used with the types we build and use everyday. It turns out that Swift generates a whole set of functional setters for you to use, but it can be hard to see just how powerful they are without a little help.

Previous episode
Setters and Key Paths
Key paths
Compiler-generated setters
What’s the point?
Configuring with expressions
Composing with expressions
Testing with expressions

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In the last episode we explored how functional setters allow us to dive deeper into nested structures to perform transformations while leaving everything else in the structure fixed. We played around with some toy examples, like nested tuples and arrays, and we showed off some pretty impressive stuff, but at the end of the day we aren’t typically transforming tuples. Instead, we have real world data with structs. We want to bring all the ideas from the previous episode into the world of structs so that we can transform a deeply nested struct in a simple, expressive manner. To do this, we are going to leverage Swift’s key paths!

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  1. In this episode we used Dictionary’s subscript key path without explaining it much. For a key: Key, one can construct a key path \.[key] for setting a value associated with key. What is the signature of the setter prop(\.[key])? Explain the difference between this setter and the setter prop(\.[key]) <<< map, where map is the optional map.


    The signature of the setter prop(\.[key]) is ((Value?) -> Value?) -> [Key: Value] -> [Key: Value], whereas the signature for the mapped version is ((Value) -> Value) -> [Key: Value] -> [Key: Value]. The prop(\.[key]) version allows you to both set values for nonexistant keys as well as nil out existing keys.

  2. The Set<A> type in Swift does not have any key paths that we can use for adding and removing values. However, that shouldn’t stop us from defining a functional setter! Define a function elem with signature (A) -> ((Bool) -> Bool) -> (Set<A>) -> Set<A>, which is a functional setter that allows one to add and remove a value a: A to a set by providing a transformation (Bool) -> Bool, where the input determines if the value is already in the set and the output determines if the value should be included.

    func elem<A>(_ e: A) -> (@escaping (Bool) -> Bool) -> (Set<A>) -> Set<A> {
      return { shouldInclude in
        return { set in
          if shouldInclude(set.contains(e)) {
            return set.union(Set([e]))
          } else {
            return set.subtracting(Set([e]))
    let xs: Set<String> = [1, 2, 3, 4]
      |> elem(1) { _ in false }
      |> elem(2) { !$0 }
      |> elem(10) { _ in true }
  3. Generalizing exercise #1 a bit, it turns out that all subscript methods on a type get a compiler generated key path. Use array’s subscript key path to uppercase the first favorite food for a user. What happens if the user’s favorite food array is empty?


    (prop(\User.favoriteFoods[0].name)) { $0.uppercased() } If the user’s favorite food array is empty, an out of bounds error will be thrown.

  4. Recall from a previous episode that the free filter function on arrays has the signature ((A) -> Bool) -> ([A]) -> [A]. That’s kinda setter-like! What does the composed setter prop(\User.favoriteFoods) <<< filter represent?


    prop(\User.favoriteFoods) <<< filter allows you to filter a users favorite foods in-place. For example, the following code, updates a user to keep only fruits that start with ‘o’.

      |> (prop(\User.favoriteFoods) <<< filter) { $ 'o') }
  5. Define the Result<Value, Error> type, and create value and error setters for safely traversing into those cases.

    func value<A, E>(_ f: @escaping (A) -> B) -> (Result<A, E>) -> Result<B, E> {
      return { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let v):
          return .success(f(v))
        case .failure(let e):
          return .failure(e)
    func error<A, E>(_ f: @escaping (E) -> F) -> (Result<A, E>) -> Result<A, F> {
      return { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let v):
          return .success(v)
        case .failure(let e):
          return .failure(f(e))
  6. Is it possible to make key path setters work with enums?


    Unfortunately no :( Swift only gives us access to key paths for structs, and provides nothing for enums. Maybe that will change some day!

  7. Redefine some of our setters in terms of inout. How does the type signature and composition change?

    func inoutProp<Root, Value>(_ kp: WritableKeyPath<Root, Value>)
      -> (@escaping (inout Value) -> Void)
      -> (inout Root) -> Void {
        return { update in
          { root in
            update(&root[keyPath: kp])


Composable Setters

Stephen Celis • Saturday Sep 30, 2017

Stephen spoke about functional setters at the Functional Swift Conference if you’re looking for more material on the topic to reinforce the ideas.

Semantic editor combinators

Conal Elliott • Monday Nov 24, 2008

Conal Elliott describes the setter composition we explored in this episode from first principles, using Haskell. In Haskell, the backwards composition operator <<< is written simply as a dot ., which means that g . f is the composition of two functions where you apply f first and then g. This means if had a nested value of type ([(A, B)], C) and wanted to create a setter that transform the B part, you would simply write it as, and that looks eerily similar to how you would field access in the OOP style!
