A blog exploring advanced programming topics in Swift.

WWDC Sale 2022

Monday Jun 6, 2022

The year’s biggest Apple event is here, and to celebrate we are offering a 25% discount off the first year for first-time subscribers. Click here to redeem the coupon now. The offer will only remain valid until June 12th.

This is the perfect time to get full access to our videos:

  • We just kicked off our deep-dive into concurrency, starting with threads and queues, and building up to Swift’s modern tools.
  • Building an application architecture from scratch that is perfectly suited for SwiftUI and UIKit applications.
  • Case studies that dive deep into solving common, real-world problems.
  • A deep-dive into parsing exploring techniques for parsing complex string formats, with a focus on composition and performance.
  • An extensive and practical study of dependencies, showing how to take control of dependencies to unleash some amazing benefits.
  • And more…

We hope you’ll join us for all of the great material we have planned for the rest of the year!

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