A blog exploring advanced programming topics in Swift.

End-of-year sale: 25% off Point-Free

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021

We’re happy to announce an end-of-year sale by offering 25% off the first year of your subscription! Once subscribed you’ll get instant access to all 172 episodes (and growing) of Point-Free, including popular collections that have grown this past year:

  • SwiftUI Navigation: We build the concepts of navigation from scratch, explore what SwiftUI has to offer for navigation, and then discover all new tools that allow us to embrace simpler and more concise domains for driving navigation.

  • Dependencies: Last year we tackled dependencies head on in a 5-part series of episodes, and this year we continued the series by exploring “better test dependencies.” We show how to construct dependencies for tests that give you must stronger guarantees on what code paths are executing and how your dependencies are behaving.

  • WWDC 2021: We explore some of WWDC’s most exciting new features in this series of episodes, including the .refreshable API and how it interacts with Swift’s new concurrency tools, focus state and how to make it more testable, and we built a moderately complex location-based app using the new .searchable API.

  • Composable Architecture Case Studies: This collection highlights solving some common problems with the Composable Architecture, such as forms, animations, behavior and more. Once you are comfortable with the foundations of the Composable Architecture, these case studies can be useful to take your understanding to the next level.

Click here to redeem the coupon code now. The offer will only remain valid through the end of the year! 😱

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