Tour of the Composable Architecture: Persistence

Episode #249 • Sep 11, 2023 • Subscriber-Only

We conclude the series by adding the final bit of functionality to our application: persistence. We’ll see how adding a dependency on persistence can wreak havoc on previews and tests, and all the benefits of controlling it.

Speech recognition client
Data persistence
Data manager dependency
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Stephen: It’s pretty cool to see just how easy it was to use Apple’s speech recognizer API in order to get a live feed of transcription data while running our meeting. And we could put all that logic in an effect so that our reducer can remain a simple function, and our state can remain a simple value type.

Brandon: Now let’s actually do something with these transcripts.

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  1. Add error handling for the speech recognition task. If the task fails, show the user an error with options to abandon the meeting, resume the meeting without transcription, or to retry speech transcription.

    Write tests against the failure and each resolution.

    Enhance the logic of the feature so that if they retry speech transcription, it is appended to the transcript from the task that failed rather than written over.

  2. Add error handling for when persisted data fails to load.

  3. Add error handling for when persisted data fails to save.

  4. Beef up the DataManager.mock. It is currently limited to saving and loading a single value with no regard to the URL passed in. Instead, have it hold onto a dictionary mapping URL to value so that it can emulate an entire file system.


Composable Architecture

Brandon Williams & Stephen Celis • Monday May 4, 2020

The Composable Architecture is a library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing and ergonomics in mind.

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