Decodable Randomness: Part 1

Episode #31 • Sep 24, 2018 • Subscriber-Only

This week we dive deeper into randomness and composition by looking to a seemingly random place: the Decodable protocol. While we’re used to using the Codable set of protocols when working with JSON serialization and deserialization, it opens the opportunity for so much more.

Decodable Randomness: Part 1
An arbitrary decoder
Decoding single values
Decoding more structure
Till next time…

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Last week we discussed the topic of “Composable Randomness”, which seeks to understand how randomness can be made more composable by using function composition. We also compared this with Swift 4.2’s new randomness API, which arguably is not composable, in the sense that it is not built from units that stand on their own and combine to form new units.

We spent some time building up fun generators, like randomly sized arrays of random values and even random password generators, both of which are not easily expressible with Swift’s APIs.

Today we are going to take this a big step forward, and unlock the ability to create random values from any data type we define. We’re actually going to do this in two different ways:

We’ll do a bunch of upfront work with a Swift specific feature that unlocks the ability to effortlessly generate random values from any data type, but we’ll see it’s a little bit rigid.

Then we’ll try another approach by doing a very modest amount of upfront work to build up the tools to generate random values from any data type in a very flexible way, but it takes a lil more work to do than the first method.

So let’s start with the first method, and it begins by look in an unlikely place: the Decodable Protocol.

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  1. We skipped over the allKeys property of the KeyedDecodingContainerProtocol, but it’s what’s necessary to decode dictionaries of values. On initialization of the KeyedDecodingContainer, generate a random number of random CodingKeys to populate this property.

    You’ll need to return true from contains(_ key: Key).

    Decode a few random dictionaries of various decodable keys and values. What are some of the limitations of decoding dictionaries?

  2. Create a new UnkeyedContainer struct that conforms to the UnkeyedContainerProtocol and return it from the unkeyedContainer() method of ArbitraryDecoder. As with the KeyedDecodingContainer, you can delete the same decode methods and have them delegate to the SingleValueContainer.

    The count property can be used to generate a randomly-sized container, while currentIndex and isAtEnd can be used to let the decoder know how far along it is. Generate a random count, default the currentIndex to 0, and define isAtEnd as a computed property using these values. The currentIndex property should increment whenever superDecoder is called.

    Decode a few random arrays of various decodable elements.
