The Case for Case Paths: Properties

Episode #88 • Jan 27, 2020 • Subscriber-Only

We’ve now seen that it’s possible to define “case paths”: the enum equivalent of key paths. So what are their features? Let’s explore a few properties of key paths to see if there are corresponding concepts on case paths.

Appending paths
Introducing the .. operator
Identity paths
Re-introducing the ^ operator
Next time: case paths for free

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So creating a case path is quite easy, but there are a lot of things not completely right with this code snippet. First, it is not right to pollute the Result namespace with these static vars, it would be better to have a different place to store them. Also, there is some boilerplate involved in creating these case paths. We see it here with this if case let stuff when implementing the extract, and basically every case path we create will look exactly like this, and after awhile it’s going to be a pain to have to write over and over.

We are going to solve both of those problems soon, but first we want to explore some of the properties of case paths and show the similarities with key paths. There are some operations that the Swift standard library provides for key paths, and we of course would expect that there is some version of those operations for case paths too.

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  1. Case paths don’t only need to focus on a single case of an enum. They can also focus on multiple cases of an enum, we just have to do a little bit of manual work first.

    Consider the following enum:

    enum AppAction {
      case activity(ActivityAction)
      case dashboard(DashboardAction)
      case profile(ProfileAction)
    enum ActivityAction {}
    enum DashboardAction {}
    enum ProfileAction {}

    Write a case path that can extract an activity or profile action from an app action, but not a dashboard action. Compare this to how one would write a computed property that focuses on two struct fields at the same time.


    To define a case path that can select several cases out of an enum, we need a type that can describe those cases. We can define it manually:

    enum ActivityOrProfileAction {
      case activity(ActivityAction)
      case profile(ProfileAction

    And then we can create a case path from AppAction to this new container.

    extension CasePath
      where Root == AppAction,
      Value == ActivityOrProfile {
      static let activityOrProfile = CasePath(
        embed: {
          switch $0 {
          case let .activity(action): return .activity(action)
          case let .profile(action): return .profile(action)
        extract: {
          switch $0 {
          case let .activity(action): return .activity(action)
          case let .profile(action): return .profile(action)
          default: return nil

    You could even use the Either type for this kind of thing!

    CasePath<AppAction, Either<ActivityAction, ProfileAction>>
  2. Every computed property on a type (structs, enums and classes) is given a key path for free by the Swift compiler. For example:

    struct State {
      var count: Int
      var favorites: [Int]
      var isFavorite: Bool {
        get { self.favorites.contains(self.count) }
        set {
            ? self.favorites.removeAll(where: { $0 == self.count })
            : self.favorites.append(self.count)
    \State.isFavorite // WritableKeyPath<State, Bool>

    The isFavorite computed property is given a WritableKeyPath, even though it is not a stored field on the struct.

    What is the equivalent concept for case paths? Theorize what a “computed case” syntax could look like in Swift.

  3. Although enums are a great source for case paths, it is not the only situation in which case paths can occur. At its core, case paths only express the idea of being able to try to extract some data from a value, and the ability to construct a value from that data.

    Implement the following case paths. A natural place to hold these case paths is as static variables on CasePath with Root and Value suitably constrained.

    • int: CasePath<String, Int>
    • uuid: CasePath<String, UUID>
    • literal: (String) -> CasePath<String, String>:
      let blobCasePath = CasePath.literal("Blob")
      blob.extract("Blob")     // "Blob"
      blob.extract("Blob Jr.") // nil
      blob.embed("Blob Sr.")   // "Blob"
    • first: CasePath<[A], A>
    • first: (where: (A) -> Bool) -> CasePath<[A], A>
    • key: (K) -> CasePath<[K: V], V>
    • rawValue: CasePath<R.RawValue, R> where R: RawRepresentable
    extension CasePath where Root == String, Value == Int {
      static let int = CasePath(
        embed: String.init,
        extract: Int.init
    import Foundation
    extension CasePath where Root == String, Value == UUID {
      static let uuid = CasePath(
        embed: { $0.uuidString },
        extract: UUID.init(uuidString:)
    extension CasePath where Root == String, Value == String {
      static func literal(_ string: String) -> CasePath {
          embed: { _ in string },
          extract: { $0 == string ? string : nil }
    extension CasePath
      where Root: RangeReplaceableCollection,
      Value == Root.Element {
      static var first: CasePath {
          embed: { Root([$0]) },
          extract: { $0.first }
      static func first(
        where p: @escaping (Value) -> Bool
      ) -> CasePath {
          embed: { Root([$0]) },
          extract: { $0.first(where: p) }
    extension CasePath {
      static func key<Key>(
        _ key: Key
      ) -> CasePath where Root == [Key: Value] {
          embed: { [key: $0] },
          extract: { $0[key] }
    extension CasePath
      where Value: RawRepresentable,
      Root == Value.RawValue {
      static var rawRepresentable: CasePath {
          embed: { $0.rawValue },
          extract: Value.init(rawValue:)
  4. As we’ve seen, both key paths and case paths are composable: they both support an appending(path:) operation for combining key paths with key paths or case paths with case paths. The next few exercises will explore if it is possible to combine key paths with case paths in various ways.

    First: is it possible to implement a function that appends a key path with a case path to return a new case path?

    extension _WritableKeyPath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: CasePath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> CasePath<Root, AppendedValue> {

    Or a function that appends a case path with a key path to return a new case path?

    extension CasePath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: _WritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> CasePath<Root, AppendedValue> {

    It is not possible to implement these functions. While it is possible to define the extract functions, it is impossible to define the embed functions because the key path’s root is never available.

    extension _WritableKeyPath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: CasePath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> CasePath<Root, AppendedValue> {
        return CasePath<Root, AppendedValue>(
          extract: { root in path.extract(self.get(root)) },
          embed: { appendedValue in fatalError() }
    extension CasePath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: _WritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> CasePath<Root, AppendedValue> {
        CasePath<Root, AppendedValue>(
          extract: { root in
            guard let value = self.extract(root) else { return nil }
            return path.get(value)
          embed: { appendedValue in fatalError() })
  5. Is it possible to write a function that appends a key path with a case path to return a new key path?

    extension _WritableKeyPath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: CasePath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue> {

    How about a function that appends a case path with a key path to return a new key path?

    extension CasePath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: _WritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue> {

    It is not possible to implement these functions, either, because it is not possible to implement the returned key path’s getter. Each get function must return a non-optional AppendedValue, but case path extraction requires this value to be optional.

    extension _WritableKeyPath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(path: CasePath<Value, AppendedValue>) -> _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
        return _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>(
          get: { root in
            let value = self.get(root)
            let appendedValue = path.extract(value)
            return appendedValue // 🛑
          set: { root, appendedValue in
            self.set(&root, path.embed(appendedValue))
    extension CasePath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: _WritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
        _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue>(
          get: { root in
            guard let value = self.extract(root) else {
              return nil // 🛑
            let appendedValue = path.get(value)
            return appendedValue
          set: { root, appendedValue in
            guard var value = self.extract(root) else { return }
            path.set(&value, appendedValue)
            root = self.embed(value)
  6. Implement a function that appends a key path with a case path and returns a new key path with an optional value.

    extension _WritableKeyPath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: CasePath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue?> {

    Also implement a function that appends a case path with a key path and returns a new key path with an optional appended value.

    extension CasePath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: _WritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue?> {
    extension _WritableKeyPath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: CasePath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue?> {
        _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue?>(
          get: { root in path.extract(self.get(root)) },
          set: { root, appendedValue in
            guard let appendedValue = appendedValue else { return }
            self.set(&root, path.embed(appendedValue))
    extension CasePath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: _WritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue?> {
        _WritableKeyPath<Root, AppendedValue?>(
          get: { root in
            guard let value = self.extract(root) else { return nil }
            return path.get(value)
          set: { root, appendedValue in
            guard var value = self.extract(root) else { return }
            guard let appendedValue = appendedValue else { return }
            path.set(&value, appendedValue)
            root = self.embed(value)
  7. Given the previous exercise’s operations that append key paths with case paths and case paths with key paths, what happens when you try to compose the following?

    // KP = _WritableKeyPath
    // CP = CasePath
    KP<A, B> + CP<B, C> + KP<C, D>

    Can key paths and case paths compose more than one time?


    Because this form of composition makes the appended Value parameter optional, it is impossible to further append paths without introducing new operations that flatten this optional.

  8. There exists another path type that avoids the issue raised in the previous exercise. It captures the Swift semantic of optional chaining, where the getter is optional:

    user? // Optional("Brooklyn")

    And the setter is non-optional:

    user? = "Los Angeles"
    // ✅
    user? = nil
    // 🛑 error: 'nil' cannot be assigned to type 'String'

    Express these requirements in a new OptionalPath<Root, Value> type.

    struct OptionalPath<Root, Value> {
      let extract: (Root) -> Value?
      let set: (inout Root, Value) -> Void
  9. Define appending(path:) on OptionalPath:

    extension OptionalPath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: OptionalPath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> OptionalPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
    extension OptionalPath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: OptionalPath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> OptionalPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
        OptionalPath<Root, AppendedValue>(
          extract: { root in
          set: { root, appendedValue in
            guard var value = self.extract(root) else { return }
            path.set(&value, appendedValue)
            self.set(&root, value)
  10. We have seen in previous episodes and exercises that key paths and case paths have an “identity” path. Define the identity optional path:

    extension OptionalPath where Root == Value {
      static var `self`: OptionalPath {
    extension OptionalPath where Root == Value {
      static var `self`: OptionalPath {
        OptionalPath {
          extract: { .some($0) },
          set { $0 = $1 }
  11. Implement a function that appends a key path with a case path and returns an optional path.

    extension _WritableKeyPath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: CasePath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> OptionalPath<Root, AppendedValue> {

    Also implement a function that appends a case path with a key path and returns a new optional path.

    extension CasePath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: _WritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> OptionalPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
    extension _WritableKeyPath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: CasePath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> OptionalPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
        OptionalPath<Root, AppendedValue>(
          extract: { root in path.extract(self.get(root)) },
          set: { root, appendedValue in
            self.set(&root, path.embed(appendedValue))
    extension CasePath {
      func appending<AppendedValue>(
        path: _WritableKeyPath<Value, AppendedValue>
      ) -> OptionalPath<Root, AppendedValue> {
        OptionalPath<Root, AppendedValue>(
          extract: { root in
          set: { root, appendedValue in
            guard var value = self.extract(root) else { return }
            path.set(&value, appendedValue)
            root = self.embed(value)
  12. Describe the hierarchy of path composition between:

    KP = (Writable) Key Paths
    CP = Case Paths
    OP = Optional Paths
    KP + KP = ?
    CP + CP = ?
    OP + OP = ?
    KP + CP = ?
    CP + KP = ?
    KP + OP = ?
    OP + CP = ?
    CP + OP = ?
    OP + CP = ?
    KP + KP = KP
    CP + CP = CP
    OP + OP = OP
    KP + CP = OP
    CP + KP = OP
    KP + OP = OP
    OP + CP = OP
    CP + OP = OP
    OP + CP = OP
  13. With the solution to the previous exercise in hand, is it possible to reduce the number of append overloads you need to define between _WritableKeyPath, CasePath, and OptionalPath?


    All compositions, whenever two paths differ, lead to OptionalPath. This means that _WritableKeyPath and CasePath are both convertible to OptionalPath. We can employ a Path protocol to describe this ability.

    protocol Path {
      associatedtype Root
      associatedtype Value
      var asOptionalPath: OptionalPath<Root, Value> { get }

    And all three paths can conform:

    struct _WritableKeyPath: Path {
      var asOptionalPath: OptionalPath<Root, Value> {
        OptionalPath<Root, Value>(
          extract: { .some(self.get($0)) },
          set: self.set
    struct CasePath: Path {
      var asOptionalPath: OptionalPath<Root, Value> {
        OptionalPath<Root, Value>(
          extract: self.extract,
          set: { $0 = self.embed($1) }
    struct OptionalPath: Path {
      var asOptionalPath: OptionalPath<Root, Value> { self }

    With these in hand, one can extend Path with an appending(path:) operation:

    extension Path {
      func appending<AppendedPath: Path>(
        path: AppendedPath
      ) -> OptionalPath<Root, AppendedValue> where AppendedPath.Root == Value {
        self.asOptionalPath.appending(path: path.asOptionalPath)


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