Ergonomic State Management: Part 2

Episode #99 • Apr 20, 2020 • Subscriber-Only

We’ve made creating and enhancing reducers more ergonomic, but we still haven’t given much attention to the ergonomics of the view layer of the Composable Architecture. This week we’ll make the Store much nicer to use by taking advantage of a new Swift feature and by enhancing it with a SwiftUI helper.

Part 2
Dynamic member lookup
Dynamic member store
Bindings and the architecture
Binding helpers
What’s the point?

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There’s another thing we can do to improve the ergonomics of our architecture, and that’s in the view layer. Right now, a view holds onto a view store that contains all of the state it cares about to render itself, and in order to access this state, we dive through the view store’s value property.

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  1. Let’s add a little more polish to the Composable Architecture. Right now there is no easy way of working with optional state. In particular, it is not possible to write a reducer on non-optional state and use pullback to transform it to a reducer that works on optional state.

    Define a custom property on Reducer that transforms reducers on non-optional state to reducers on optional state.

    extension Reducer {
      public var optional: Reducer<Value?, Action, Environment> {
        .init { value, action, environment in
          guard value != nil else { return [] }
          return self(&value!, action, environment)
  2. There is also no easy way of working with collections in state. In particular, it is not possible to write a reducer on an element of state and use pullback to transform it to a reducer that works on a collection of state.

    Define an indexed method on Reducer that handles this kind of transformation such that the state’s key path is of the form WritableKeyPath<GlobalValue, [Value]>. In order to send an action to a particular element of the array, it must identify the element in some way. Take inspiration from the method’s name. 😁


    Given some global app state:

    struct AppState {
      var list: [RowState]

    In order to send actions to individual elements, you can identify them by index.

    enum AppAction {
      case list(index: Int, action: RowAction)

    Which means that indexed would take a case path from AppAction to (Int, Action).

    From this we can deduce the signature and define the following method:

    extension Reducer {
      func indexed<GlobalValue, GlobalAction, GlobalEnvironment>(
        value: WritableKeyPath<GlobalValue, [Value]>,
        action: CasePath<GlobalAction, (Int, Action)>,
        environment: @escaping (GlobalEnvironment) -> Environment
      ) -> Reducer<GlobalValue, GlobalAction, GlobalEnvironment> {
        .init { globalValue, globalAction, globalEnvironment in
            let (index, localAction) = action.extract(from: globalAction)
            else { return [] }
          return self(
            &globalValue[keyPath: value][index],
          .map { effect in
              .map { action.embed((index, $0)) }