Concise Forms: Bye Bye Boilerplate

Episode #133 • Feb 1, 2021 • Subscriber-Only

The Composable Architecture makes it easy to layer complexity onto a form, but it just can’t match the brevity of vanilla SwiftUI…or can it!? We will overcome a Swift language limitation using key paths and type erasure to finally say “bye!” to boilerplate.

Concise Forms
Concise Forms: Bye Bye Boilerplate

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This is a pretty comprehensive test that would have been impossible to write with the way the view model version of the code is written. By doing just a bit of upfront work we can get a ton of code coverage.

With just a little more work we can also write a test for the unhappy path, where the user denies us permission to their notifications, but we will save that as an exercise for the viewer.

OK, so we have done a really comprehensive overview of how forms work in vanilla SwiftUI applications and in Composable Architecture applications. There really doesn’t seem to be a clear winner as far as conciseness goes. On the one hand SwiftUI handles very simple forms amazingly, reducing boilerplate and noise, but things get messy fast when you are handling more complex, real world scenarios. On the other hand the Composable Architecture comes with a decent amount of boilerplate for a very simple form, but then really shines as you start layering on the complexities, giving you a wonderful story for dependencies, side effects and testing.

So, this is a bit of a bummer. We love the Composable Architecture, but it’s things like this boilerplate problem which can turn away people from using it even when there are so many other benefits to be had.

Well, luckily for us the boilerplate problem can be solved. Using some of the more advanced features of Swift we can eliminate almost all of the boilerplate when dealing with simple form data, which will hopefully make the Composable Architecture solution more palatable for those worried about boilerplate.

So let’s take all of the work we’ve done with the Composable Architecture and copy it over and chip away at the problem of eliminating that boilerplate.

The problem: action overload


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    Brandon Williams & Stephen Celis • Jun 15, 2020

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  • isowords

    A word game by us, written in the Composable Architecture.


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